Elias Hj Idris
Elias Hj Idris

Rosmah Mansor pakai jam tangan bernilai RM350,000

Beberapa ketika dahulu rakyat 1Malaysia telah dikejutkan dengan beberapa acessories milik Rosmah Mansor antaranya bag tangan 'Birkin' yang mencecah ratusan ribu RM dan juga 'Bangle' atau gelang tangan yang bernilai jutaan RM dan cincin RM24Juta.

Rosmah Mansor dikatakan memiliki sekurang-kurangnya 11 beg tangan mewah jenama Birkin dianggarkan Rosmah membelanjakan minima RM638,000 hingga maksima RM5,192,000 untuk membeli beg tangan berkenaan.

Bagi beg edisi terhad miliknya pula harga sebuah beg tangan dikatakan mencecah RM28,000 (US$ 9,000) hingga RM472,000 (US$150,000) bagi setiap satu.. sila baca di ( SINI )

Cincin berlian yang dikenali sebagai ‘Natural Fancy Blue Gray Cushion Cut” miliknya itu berharga lebihkurang RM24 Juta.. sila baca di ( SINI )

Kali ini kita akan melihat lagi koleksi barangan mewah milik Rosmah Mansor iaitu jam tangan pula..

Terkini koleksi yang jam tangan yang dipakai Rosmah dalam satu majlis yang dihadirinya di Vietnam berjaya dirakam lensa kamera…

Ianya dikatakan dikatakan bernilai antara £70,000 - £100,000. Dan harga tersebut tidak termasuk duti import lagi...

Atau dalam nilai RM lebih kurang RM350,000 hingga RM500,000 sahaja..

Dengan mengambil kira gaji minimum baru bagi Semenanjung Malaysia iaitu sebanyak RM900 manakala di Sabah dan Sarawak diletakkan pada paras RM800.. rakyat Malaysia perlu mengambil masa selama seperti perkiraan di bawah untuk memilikinya..

RM900 x 12 (bulan) = RM10800 x 46 tahun 4 bulan = RM500,400

Ini bermakna mereka memerlukan sekurang-kurangnya 46 tahun lama untuk memiliki jam tangan mewah berjenama Franck Muller ini..

*perkiraan itu berdasarkan gaji minima dimana rakyat Malaysia yang punya gaji minima itu dianggap tidak makan dan minum* he..he..he.. boleh ke?

Harga jam tangan Rosmah Mansor sahaja sudah menyamai 1-2 buah harga rumah yang agak selesa..

Perlu kita ketahui bahawa Jenama Franck Muller merupakan salah satu jenama yang telah menghasilkan antara jam tangan paling mahal di dunia yang bernilai USD2.4 juta.

Persoalannya di sini ialah..

1~ Bagaimana beliau boleh berbelanja mewah seperti ini?

2~Bagaimana Rosmah Mansor masih mampu meneruskan tabiatnya sehingga mampu memililki satu lagi barangan mewah (jam tangan berjenama Franck Muller) selepas berjaya melakukannya ketika memiliki cincin bernilai RM24 juta sebelum ini.

3~Banyak sangatkah pendapatan seorang yang bergelar Perdana Menteri Malaysia sehingga berjaya menampung perbelanjaan mewah isterinya selama ini? Adakah ada lagi “Pendapatan Sampingan”? Mungkin?

Walaubagaimanapun, carian untuk rekabentuk seperti yang dipakai oleh Rosmah Mansor tiada dalam senaraian jenama Franck Muller, besar kemungkinan ia cukup ekslusif dan direka khas untuk Rosmah Mansor mungkin?

Sumber info dari sini ( Politicalgags ) dan ( Berita Semasa )

Info lebih lengkap sila lihat di ( Politicalgags )

Elias Hj Idris

Apa itu Wahhabi?

Wahhabi bukan kerana mereka tidak membaca qunut subuh sementelah tiga mazhab lain pun tidak membaca qunut subuh. Itu khilaf mazhab saja; bukan juga apabila tidak membuat kenduri arwah kerana ada qaul dalam mazhab Syafie yang tidak menggalakkannya; bukan juga kerana itu dan ini tetapi sebenarnya, Wahhabi adalah satu cara berfikir yang salah membentuk satu gerakan ekstrem yang boleh memecah-belahkan masyarakat.

Kemuncak ekstrem dan radikal Wahhabisme boleh sehingga membawa kepada pertumpahan darah seperti yang dilakukan oleh IS,ISIL, ISIS, al-Qaeda, Taliban... yang kesemua itu adalah hasil didikan puak Wahhabi. Dakyah Wahhabi turut berjaya menarik ramai pengikut kerana slogan menarik mereka yang menyeru kononnya jangan "taqlid", jangan "mengikut membuta tuli"; menyeru kononnya "kembali kepada Al-Quran dan as-Sunnah".

[1] Wahhabi sebenarnya adalah gerakan MEMBID'AAHKAN amalan orang lain yang tidak sehaluan dengan mereka dan merasakan hanya amalan mereka sahaja yang betul. Hanya mereka sahaja kononnya mengikut "sunnah". Mereka dari kelompok manusia yang tidak boleh berbeza pandangan, tidak menghormati ikhtilaf atau khilafiyyah (perbezaan pendapat di kalangan ulama). Wahhabi menolak bahawa bid'aah ada dua bentuk (i) Baik (hasanah) dan (ii) Sesat (dholalah). Bagi Wahhabi semua bid'aah sesat dan masuk neraka. Oleh itu setiap bid'aah adalah munkar dan bagi mereka wajib ditentang. Lalu mereka membesarkan perbezaan pendapat dan membikin kecoh seluruh dunia tanpa boleh berlapang dada. Pra-syarat menjadi Wahhabi ialah kena memperbanyak menuturkan "BID'AAH" terhadap amalan orang lain dan menjadikan ia "wirid" harian.

[2] Wahhabi MELARANG BERAMAL apabila tiada nas khusus untuk amalan tersebut walaupun di sana ada perintah umum daripada Al-Qur'an dan As-Sunnah. Bagi Wahhabi setiap ibadat kena ada nas dan dalil, walhal perintah yang bersifat umum sudah ada namun mereka menolaknya. Wahhabi marah membaca Surah Yasin malam Jumaat kerana tiada nas. Bukankah perintah memperbanyakkan membaca al-Quran sudah cukup banyak dan memadai? Adakah nas melarangnya pula? Tiada larangan.

[3] Wahhabi adalah gerakan MENSYIRIKKAN orang lain: tawassul bagi mereka syirik kecuali tawassul dengan amalan soleh, dan dengan Asmaul Husna saja. Walhal para sahabat dan salafus soleh bertawassul dengan pelbagai bentuk lain;

[4] Wahhabi adalah gerakan MENTAJSIMKAN Allah swt apabila mensifatkan Allah swt itu  "bertangan", "duduk" atas Arasy, "ketawa", Allah di atas langit. Wahhabi menolak takwil yang dibawa oleh manhaj Asyairah dan Maturidiyyah sedangkan manhaj Asyairah itu lebih selamat daripada mensifatkan Allah dengan sifat makhluk.

[5] Wahhabi juga gerakan MENTADHA'IFKAN hadis dan MEMARDUDKAN hadis dhoif, menolak penggunaan hadis-hadis dhoif dan membakul-sampahkan semua hadith dhoif. Sedangkan sejak seribu tahun lebih para ulama hadis membenarkan penggunaan hadis dhoif dalam hal fadhailul 'amal dan targhib wa tarhib. Kiblat rujukan hadis puak Wahhabi ialah Syeikh Nasruddin Al-Albani. Mereka tidak sedar yang mereka telah bertaqlid dan mengikut secara membuta tuli akan apa sahaja takhrij hadis oleh al-Albani. Ulama rujukan Wahhabi pula ialah sekalian "kibarul ulama" Saudi hari ini manakala kitab-kitab rujukan Wahhabi ialah kitab karangan Muhammad bin Abdul Wahhab. Mereka membutakan mata dan memekakkan telinga apabila didatangkan hujah daripada sekelian ulama lain yang muktabar namun tidak sealiran dengan mereka.

[6] Wahhabi adalah gerakan MEMBURUKKAN ahli sufi dan tasawuf. Mereka secara berpilih memetik yang mana sesuai dengan fikrah mereka daripada kitab-kitab Ibn Taimiyyah, Ibn Qayyim, Al-Dhahabi, al-Syawkani khususnya dalam bab yang memburuk dan mencemuh para sufi kerana Wahhabi gerakan anti-sufi. Walhal Ibn Taymiyyah sendiri adalah pengikut tarekat Qadiriyyah. Wahhabi Malaysia ada yang mengatakan tasawuf lebih kotor daripada air longkang. Sedangkan sufi ada yang baik dan ada yang sesat seperti mana umat Islam yang lain juga amnya: ada yang soleh, ada munafik dan ada yang berdosa. Sufi juga tidak maksum. Bahkan Imam Ghazali sendiri turut mengkritik "sufi palsu" walaupun beliau sendiri seorang ahli sufi.

[7] Wahhabi MENOLAK Imam al-Ghazali r.a dan jarang kedengaran mereka mengutip kalam daripada Imam al-Ghazali r.a. Bagi mereka Imam al-Ghazali r.a Hujjatul Islam itu jahil hadis.
Itulah Wahhabi, dan jangan terkeliru dengan suara-suara yang membela Wahhabi walaupun mereka malu mengaku yang diri mereka itu Wahhabi. Ada ketikanya mereka cuba menyembunyikan punca kenapa mereka digelar Wahhabi, kononnya Wahhabi itu "hantu", "momok" dan tidak wujud. Kenali dulu ciri-ciri Wahhabi maka tahulah kita siapa pendokong mereka.

Kalau ada yang melenting apabila Negeri Sembilan mengharamkan Wahhabi, hampir pasti 99.9% mereka pendokong tegar Wahhabi (yang malu mengaku). Hati-hati dengan mereka walaupun petah berbicara, dan mulut penuh dengan ayat-ayat al-Qur'an dan al-Hadis. Ada Wahhabi Malaysia yang sangat terkenal dan bicara memukau sehingga ramai orang awam tertipu. Dengan pengharaman Wahhabi di Negeri Sembilan dan Perak, moga-moga akan bertambah ramai yang sedar dan makin jelas siapa pendokong Wahhabi sebenar yang bertopeng dan begitu licik selama ini. Jangan terkejut jika ustaz yang anda kagumi selama ini sebenarnya mungkin pendokong utama Wahhabi.

Hanya jauhari yang kenal manikam.
اعرف الحق تعرف أهله
Elias Hj Idris

The Shocking Truth About 1MDB - We Unlock The Officially Secret AG Report

The Shocking Truth About 1MDB - We Unlock The Officially Secret AG Report

Sarawak Report has now gained extensive access to the Auditor General’s report into 1MDB, along with key accompanying documents from the enquiry.
This report was originally commissioned to shed light on the disappearance of billions of dollars, but was later declared an ‘Official Secret’ by Najib Razak.
In charge - Najib Razak

In charge – Najib Razak
Our review has made it abundantly clear why Najib decided that the findings could not be released, since he wishes to remain Prime Minister – after all he is also the Finance Minister and sole shareholder responsible for decision-making at 1MDB and the conclusions are damning.
What the Auditor General encountered, according to the documents, was chaos and confusion in an organisation where senior executives were unable to provide convincing or consistent explanations for vast payments made to a bogus subsidiary of Abu Dhabi’s sovereign fund Aabar and to a separate false subsidiary of an earlier venture partner, PetroSaudi.
A grand total of US$7 billion is calculated as having gone missing and conflicting and unbelievable explanations were given about why the payments were made.
The AG lamented that the justifications provided for retrospective Board ratifications of those payments (which had already been made months earlier by management without prior permission) changed from one year to the next: furthermore, multi-billion dollar payments were made for the same advertised purpose two times over.
The AG even complained that management would provide one story to his enquiry on one occasion and then completely re-write their own version of events the next time they met.
There was never sufficient proof according to his data, to back up the stories being told. In particular, bank statements were not provided to substantiate many of the simply enormous sums that 1MDB management alleged were being invested in various funds or in ‘refundable deposits’ or ‘terminations of options’ with the bogus Aabar Investments PJS Limited, based in the British Virgin Islands.

Arul Kanda - last minute new versions of the truth!
Arul Kanda – last minute new versions of the truth!

On one case the AG was plainly so incensed by the variable and inconsitent claims by 1MDB management (headed by CEO Arul Kanda), that he described their final version of events as “suspicious” and “unsubstantiated” and therefore refused to accept the documents 1MDB had provided as reliable evidence.
This matter related to a purported US$1.392 billion, that had supposedly been redeemed from 1MDB’s Cayman Island fund, and was originally recorded as having been spent on the termination of options owed to Aabar ($993 million), plus the repayment of loans.
That is what the Board was informed in December 2014 and what was recorded in the Annual Report (even though the AG records there was insufficient proof this was how the money was spent).

The AG - unimpressed
The AG – unimpressed

Then as late as February 2016, to the AG’s disbelief, he was presented with a series of papers ratified by the Board on November 26th 2015 which a year on provided an entirely separate story for how the money was used.
Based on an alleged agreement signed by management in October 6th 2014 (after most of the money had already been paid), the Board on November 26th 2015 retrospectively ratified a series of payments to Aabar Ltd totalling US$1.15 billion saying they had been for the ‘extension of guarantees’ for loans (see our previous story).
The AG complained that there had been no mention of this belated new explanation when he had previously met with 1MDB in December, although it had all been supposedly signed off the previous month:
a.     Although this resolution was approved on Nov 26, 2015 it was only presented to the JAN [AG enquiry] on Feb 2016. This important information was not raised during (JAN’s) discussions with 1MDB’s management held on Dec 16, 2015. This raises doubts on the veracity of the information and documents which were presented.
b.     This also showed that the 1MDB management had made payments without prior knowledge or approval from the Board. The information is also in conflict with information that was given by the 1MDB management during the Board meeting on Dec 20, 2014 – that USD1.392 billion from the redeeming of SPC funds had been used to pay for Aabar’s Termination of Options amounting to USD993 million and the USD399 million used for interest payments for the USD Note(s). However, JAN was unable to verify both payments. [Addendum Document to AG’s Report]
It gets worse, thundered the AG in his addendum to his report, explaining why he had rejected the belated material from his enquiry, on the grounds that it was simply too suspicous:
Although the agreement was signed on Oct 6, 2014, the document was only presented to JAN on Feb 2016 and this important information was not acknowledged or raised during meetings with 1MDB’s management on Dec 16, 2015. This raises doubts on the veracity of the information and documents that were presented.
4. Remittance Slip regarding payments to Aabar and Aabar Ltd
There are 9 remittance slips regarding payments to Aabar (1) and to Aabar Limited (8) which were presented to JAN on Feb 2016. This important information was not acknowledged or raised during meetings with 1MDB’s management on Dec 16, 2015. The veracity of the format of documents was suspicious as it does not include written instructions to the bank nor bank statements as supporting documents.[Addendum Document to AG’s Report]

Double payment meant 1MDB bought out Aabar’s ‘options’ for  more than its guaranteed power plants were even worth!

The AG continues by saying that according to the original data provided by 1MDB the ‘options to Aabar’ were terminated twice over with near identical payments totalling over US$1.8 billion – more than the total value of the 49% of the company Aabar was supposed to be guaranteeing.
Indeed it seems clear that the decision to alter the reason given for these payments was only taken after this outrageous double payment had been spotted and reported upon in the press over a year later. The AG wasn’t buying it:
5. Funds from the Duetsche Bank loan (USD250 mil and USD975 mil), a total of USD855 mil was used for Aabar’s termination of option from May to Sept 2014. According to the Board’s minutes on Dec 20, 2014, a total of USD993 mil was also paid between Sept and Dec 2014. This means that the total amount paid for the termination of option was USD1.848 billion. The total termination of options payment amounting to USD855 million was only changed to Top Up Collateral (Security Deposit) a year later through the Ratification of IPO Variation Payment Made to IPIC on Nov 26, 2015. This demonstrated that the original intention of 1MDB was to pay a total of USD1.848 billion to Aabar Ltd, in contrast with the total stated in the Agreement Relating to Option Agreement (Settlement Agreement) amounting to USD300 mil (refer to Chapter 5, para Pg 189). [Addendum Document to AG’s Report]
Apart from this, the USD1.848 billion amount exceeded the 49% equity value  in 1MDB Energy Sdn Bhd (1MESB), which amounts to RM1.225 billion, and RM862.40 million in 1MDB Energy Langat Sdn Bhd (1MELSB) which amounts to RM2.09 billion in total (refer to Chap 5, para 7.3.2. Pg 182).


That a government fund could be run in such a negligent fashion, with such an apparent slip-shod attitude towards the dispensing of billions of dollars of public money, would under normal circumstances defy belief.
Ex-CEO Shahrol Halmi - protected by his dear friends Najib and Rosmah
Ex-CEO Shahrol Halmi – protected by his dear friends Najib and Rosmah

Scanning through the AG’s forensic analysis, readers are consequently led to one glaring conclusion, which is that no one, from 1MDB’s management to the Board, considered it to be their job to worry about the genuine custody and investment of all this cash. In other words, the fund was plainly a front behind which money was being siphoned out by the man in charge (the sole shareholder/Finance Minister/Prime Minister).
No one could conclude otherwise from the narrative and criticism laid out in the AG’s 300 page plus report and analysis, as we shall show over coming articles.
No wonder the Prime Minister, who had a year before assured Malaysians that their concerns would be put to rest about the loss-making fund through this audit, has decided to make it a secret instead.

Changing Options

This was how the Auditor General in the main body of his report referred to how the Board was informed about the supposed second payment of options to Aabar, made from money lent by Deutsche Bank, based on a promise that there was a collateral cash holding of a billion dollars in BSI Bank Singapore (untrue).
“8.9 The Board of Directors [of 1MDB] were informed on Dec 20, 2014 that Deutsche Bank AG, Singapore had agreed that the USD993 million be used to pay for Aabar’s termination of options from redeeming the SPC funds amounting to USD1.392 billion. Tthe balance of USD399 million were to be used to pay interest off loans in USD Notes.
8.10 However, details about the payment of USD993 million to Aabar for the termination of options and the interest payments on the USD Notes amounting to USD399 could not be verified by JAN. The Board of Directors had also sought details on the payments on Dec 20, 2014, but checks by JAN have established that the matter was not raised again during subsequent Board of Directors meetings. During their meeting on Feb 23, 2015, the Board of Directors had raised the issue of payments for Aabar’s termination of options, and that they were informed only after the payment was made. This showed that the payment for Aabar’s termination of options was made without the Board of Director’s approval.”
In other words, neither the Auditor nor the Board of Directors were ever able to get any proof out of 1MDB management that the money had existed in the first place or had been utilised in the manner being claimed!  A pattern of activity, whereby the Board failed to be consulted by management and was just expected to sign off vast payments retrospectively, is confirmed time and again in this report.

Bogus Guarantees

The AG also deals with the whole frustrating story of  the supposed ‘security deposits for guarantees’, which we now also know were in fact never part of the formal agreements with Aabar/IPIC when the Abu Dhabi fund agreed to guarantee the US$3.5 billion raised in two ‘power purchase’ loans in May and October 2012.
He confirms that nevertheless a total of US$1.367 billion was paid in the name of such guarantees to the bogus Aabar Limited in BVI:
Chap 5 – Energy Sector.
Item 7 “Funding for 1MDB Group’s Energy Sector” Collaboration Agreement for Credit Enhancement (f) Checks by JAN [AG Department] found that the security deposit amounting to USD1.367 billion (RM4.468 billion) was paid by 1MEL (1MDB Energy Ltd) and 1MELL (1MDB Energy [Langat] Ltd) to Aabar Ltd and was recorded as a security deposit in the financial statements of 1MEHL (1MDB Energy Holdings Ltd) for the year ending May 31 2013 and 2014. However, the security deposit payments were made without the approval of the Board of Directors. The responsibility of payment for the security deposit for the issuance of the first USD Notes was transferred to 1MEHL because 1MEHL had acquired 1MEL from 1MDB. This is based on the Assumption for Obligations Agreement dated Nov 1, 2012 between 1MEHL and 1MEL. Details are as follows:
Table 5.27 – Security Deposit Payments to Aabar Ltd [pg 184]
Date Payee Total USD mil Total RM mil
22/05/2012 1MEL 576.94 1,885.73
19/10/2012 1MELL 790.35 2,583.63
1,367.29 4,468.99
Source: Agreement and Deloitte papers
Note: BNM exchange rates = May 2012 (RM3.18) and Oct 2012 (RM3.06)

Total of US$7 billion missing!

The above dodgy payment, it should be noted, joins a number of others which the AG said 1MDB failed to substantiate with any concrete evidence such as bank statements.
Accompanying the report is a chart produced by the AG’s department detailing the unsatisfactory and unproven payments identified by his enquiry, with total up to the US$7 billion, which the AG concludes has effectively gone missing from 1MDB:
Screen Shot 2016-07-07 at 08.55.09
Screen Shot 2016-07-07 at 08.55.21

[GRAND TOTAL $6.87 bn]

The culpability and deliberate deceit behind all this mismanagement is summed up by the Auditor in his addendum document about the bogus ‘Top-Up Security Deposit’.  His final paragraph states that the then CEO and present Board Member Shahrol Halmi, knew perfectly well there were no payments owing to Aabar for its guarantees on the loan. This was because the AG had a copy of the original agreement signed between Halmi and IPIC/Aabar in May 2012. IPIC was happy to rely on the promise of a Malaysian Ministry of Finance obligation to 1MDB (ie the taxpayer was liable).
IPIC and 1MDB had signed another agreement known as Interguarantor Agreement on May 21, 2012. This agreement was signed by Shahrol Azral on behalf of 1MDB and Khadem Al-Qubaisy for IPIC. Checks by JAN showed that the agreement did not state a need for 1MDB or its subsidiaries to issue USD Notes to implement the “option and credit enhancement” to Aabar Ltd in return for a guarantee from IPIC. (emphasis theirs).
According to the main condition of this agreement, 1MDB must continue to be wholly owned by MKD (Finance Ministry Inc). 1MDB also needs to receive sufficient support and funds from MKD to repay IPIC, should 1MDB fail to repay all the cost, expenditure and all obligations regarding this note [USD Notes?]. Although a guarantee was given by IPIC, 1MDB still bears all the risks should there be any failure to pay for all the cost regarding the servicing of the USD Note.
Following the AG’s report and parallel Public Accounts Committee report the Inspector General of Police publicly notified that he would be investigating this former CEO and Board Member of 1MDB over suspected criminal behaviour.

Secret no longer.

Secret no longer

However, a month later and no such moves have been made, although numerous critics of 1MDB (all vindicated) have been harassed, persecuted and charged on apparently trumped up charges.
Halmi, on the other hand, has let it be known that he considers himself protected by the power of the Prime Minister/Finance Minister and the kind and gracious support which he is receiving from his wife, Rosmah Mansor.
Elias Hj Idris








As reported by The Australian’s Caroline Overington:
What may be alarming to the oligarchs and fraudsters who have laundered money in a manner similar to that outlined (in the DOJ complaint with regards 1 MDB) is the fact some of the red flags were sent up not by whistleblowers but from nervous bankers who had to handle the transactions in a new regulatory climate. “This is something: how can you send hundreds of millions of dollars with documentation, you know, nine million here, twenty million there, no signatures on the bill … I mean it’s ridiculous!” said one in a email that is now ­before the New York judge. Then,there are the bankers who can be tempted to be whistleblowers,given the promise of a RM 120 million from the US Government.
All this makes the bank accounts of PM Najib, and BN leaders, their friends and associates practically naked.
1 MDB : Promise of a RM 120 million reward makes AMBank and ANZ boards vulnerable to whistleblowers
by Ganesh Sahathevan

There is likely to be more than one AMBank employee who is aware of this and related transactions
ANZ’s former CEO Mike Smith who led the bank’s Asian expansion would know from the time he spent at HSBC in Kuala Lumpur that Malaysians in general are always (and I mean always) on the look out for a deal to at least supplement meager incomes, if not get rich quick.
Given that deal making propensity ,news of the the SEC’s recently reported USD 22 million payout (RM 88 million) to a whistle blower ,the largest this year and second only to its record payout of USD 30 million (RM 120 million) will prove too much for AMBank staff to resist.
Given the central role that AMBank and its ANZ led management played in the 1 MDB theft, which the US Justice Department described as the biggest case of kleptocracy ,fraud and theft it has ever seen, AMBank staff can be expected to have already done the math and determined that speaking to the SEC might well set them up for life.
David Gonski and ANZ’s AMBank money laundering problem has gotten even worse.
END Whistleblower Gets $22 Million From SEC in Second-Biggest Award
The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission is giving $22 million, its second biggest payout ever, to a corporate insider who helped the regulator uncover a well-hidden fraud.
The whistleblower provided a “detailed tip and extensive assistance” that helped the SEC stop illicit conduct at the individual’s employer, according to a statement released Tuesday. The agency didn’t provide any information on the person’s identity or the company involved, citing federal law and the need to protect confidentiality.
The award was the largest since a $30 million payment announced in 2014. Whistleblowers are eligible for payouts if they voluntarily provide the SEC with unique information that leads to a successful enforcement action. Compensation can range from 10 percent to 30 percent of the money collected in a case beyond $1 million. The SEC said it has awarded more than $100 million since the inception of its whistle-blower program in 2011.
“Company employees are in unique positions behind-the-scenes to unravel complex or deeply buried wrongdoing,” said Jane Norberg, acting chief of the SEC’s Office of the Whistleblower. “Without this whistleblower’s courage, information, and assistance, it would have been extremely difficult for law enforcement to discover this securities fraud on its own.”
Posted 31st August 2016 by Anonymous

Najib’s Mega-Payments – Time For Explanations MORE EXCLUSIVE DATA

Extended data from task force investigations into payments from Prime Minister Najib Razak’s 1MDB-funded AmBank accounts has now been received by Sarawak Report. It shows that a number of companies and individuals received very large sums indeed, usually through a series of payments from the Prime Minister. Given it has been confirmed by the US Dept of Justice and local task force investigations that this money originated from thefts from 1MDB, it is time these entities explained the reason why they were paid. Sarawak Report has already listed payments to Najib’s family, his close lawyer contact Shafee Abdullah, Sarawak crony Bustari Yusuf, UMNO HQ and allied political parties. We have also highlighted the evidence that millions in cash were also extracted and presumably circulated to various entities. What about these further companies and individuals?

Centre For Strategic Engagement (CENSE)

Off-line since our previous expose
In our original article featuring the agency CENSE (Centre for Strategic Engagement) we identified RM1.3 million paid to them by Najib. Since then their website has been down, undergoing ‘maintenance’. However, further figures now obtained show that the company and also its individual directors received much more substantial payments in the time period 2012-15.
The company also set up a Chinese business radio station under the CENSE trademark, which also received payment from Najib:

The strategic engagement appears to have included broadcasting ‘business new’s on a business radio station
Director Soong Fui Kiun received a number of direct payments in her own name from Najib’s account number 2112022009694, including RM1.5 million on 22/10/12 and RM1 million on 11/1/13. She received a further two payments of RM1 million on 14th March and 18th April 2013, making a total of RM4.5 million received in her own name.

Extensive work for Najib Razak
A further ten separate payments to CENSE itself between October 2012 and February 2015 from the same account totalled RM6.75 million, including a half million ringgit payment to CENSE Media. Rita Sim, Sim Sai Hoon, received a personal payment of RM1.2 million 4th April 2012.

Election Goodies?

Other companies, who seem to be in the occupation of providing so-called ‘election goodies’, including handout packs, satchels and so forth, also received much more than originally realised. The company Solar Shine Sdn Bhd received 35 payments between February 2012 and February 2015 totalling a staggering RM117 million. Red Bag Industry Sdn Bhd received 15 payments in the run up to the election totalling RM13.28 million. Another communications company named MASCOM Communications received nine payments during the pre-election period totalling RM15.4 million. Likewise, an outfit named Orb Solutions Sdn Bhd, which is run by an employee from Najib’s own office and a senior executive from Astro satellite TV. Sarawak Report has already revealed the company receieved RM68 million, according to the same figures. Jakel Trading, on the other hand, is a luxury furnishing shop that indicates more personal spending. Sarawak Report has obtained further figures which show that Najib paid the store a whopping RM44 million. Likewise, the Prime Minister paid a total of RM17 million to the Yayasan Rahah Foundation, which was established by his mother. Once again, this money came from the accounts funded by money taken from 1MDB.

Semarak Konsortium Satu Sdn Bhd

Malaysians ought surely to be interested to know the function and purpose of another company to which the Prime Minister forwarded no less than 38 payments during the same period totalling RM23 million. Semarak Konsortium Satu Sdn Bhd is controlled by the Director and 50% shareholder of the company, Mohd Omar Bin Mustapha alongside Rozita Binti Ramelan, who appears to be his wife:

Owners of
Sarawak Report has already identified Omar bin Mustapha as a key provider of speeches for Najib through his company Ethos Consulting. SR previously exposed this operative;s connections with the PetroSaudi Director Tarek Obaid and his brother Nawaf Obaid in a clear black propaganda campaign that was waged against opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim in the United States during 2010. However, the payments to Semarak Konsortium were later, between March 2011 and February 2014. So, what were Omar and his wife being paid for this time out of 1MDB money? Another chap connected to Najib’s Office also appeared to receive several repeat cheques. This was Mohamad Fatmi Che Salleh, who is described in Wikipedia as “one of the longest serving Political Secretaries to the Deputy Prime Minister (Then) and Prime Minister of Malaysia”. This plainly trusted worker, who is also senior within UMNO in Kota Bharu, received six separate payments from Najib’s later account 2112022011906 funded by SRC totalling RM1.9 million. The property developer Lim Soon Peng also received more payments than previously recorded, according to our now extended figures. There were nine separate payments totalling just over RM3 million. What for?

More election expenses

The company Brandworth Corp. received a RM6.5 million cheque on 3rd May 2013 and earlier RM5.69 million on 8th April. According to blogger RPK, who owns and runs the Malaysia Today website, “Brandworth Corporation is a company that managed Barisan Nasional’s media strategy in the previous general election”. RPK claims Brandworth was raided by the MACC in October 2015, presumably not least because it had been secretly funded by Najib from stolen 1MDB cash.

Pushing messages via social media
Another company to get multi-million ringgit payments from the same accounts during the same period was Media Link Direct, which received five payments between March and April 2013 totalling RM10.5 million. This company specialises in pushing materials online to social media, which is a handy election tool. Again Najib helped himself to 1MDB money to fund this advantage that was not available to the opposition parties operating within the funds they could legitimately raise. Another high earner, apparently within the same field at the same time, was the company Zeal High Tech Solutions, which received RM4.5 million 2nd April 2014 and RM9 million 29th March. Zeal is also in the business of pumping messages through social media, presumably part of Najib’s ‘Cyber-warfare’, funded by theft:
” Zeal’s speciality is what we call Customized Information Delivery OR CID systems. CID systems allows you to customize and deliver the information you want to your target audience, knowing full well that that you are delivering the exact information your target audience needs.”
A number of politicians pop up in the list as receiving cheques here and there. Sarawak’s Jacob Sagan received a standard hand out of RM200,000, whereas Richard Riot got RM100,000. Ahmad Maslan on the other hand got a handsome RM1 million.

Director General of Military Intelligence!

There are other names and companies on the list, but one in particular stands out. On 8th of April 2013 Najib Razak paid a check to ‘Ketua Pengarah Perisikan Pertahanan’ (DPPP), for a handsome RM7 million.
Perhaps Lt General Datuk Abdul Hadi Bin Haji Hussin, who occupies the role, could explain why this service was receiving a personal cheque from the Prime Minister (paid out of 1MDB’s stolen money) just a month before the last election?

Pouring money and resources into BN’s election campaign – stolen from 1MDB… but what exactly for? – SARAWAK REPORT