Elias Hj Idris

SILSILAH KELING (Baca sampai faham)

Jika ditelusuri silsilah sejarah di kepulauan Melayu ini golongan mamak asal dahulunya datang dari Kerajaan Kalingga (yang diperintah oleh seorang raja bernama Raja Kalingga ) di Teluk Bengala.

Oleh itu mereka dikenali sebagai 'Keling' bersempena nama kerajaan Kalingga, dan mereka itu dipanggil 'keling tongkang' atau 'mamak tongkang' sebab mereka memang datang dengan kapal tongkang ke Melaka dahulu.

Perniagaan utama golongan mamak 'Keling' di Melaka pada zaman itu ialah sebagai ceti dan 'pemajak' yang meletakkan bunga riba`yang tinggi. Mereka menekan penduduk Melaka pada waktu adalah dengan cara '... hang berhutang sampai ke mati!'; ada yang tergadai sawah bendang dan ada juga yang tergadai anak isteri kepada golongan ceti mamak dari Keralaini.

Antara tokoh-tokoh mamak 'Keling' pariah yang terkenal di Melaka ialah;
1) Dato Mandaliar;
2) Si Kitul;
3) Laksamana Khoja Hassan.

Bangsa India yang ada dalam negara kita ketika ini tidak boleh dipanggil 'Keling' dek kerana nenek moyang mereka dibawa oleh pihak British ke Malaya untuk mengusahakan ladang getah pada sekitar tahun 1900an di mana ketika itu negara India telah pun wujud. Oleh itu mereka ini harus dipanggil anak India.... Sementara golongan 'mamak' itu yang seharusnya dipanggil 'Anak Keling'... lantaran itu ada Masjid Kapitan Keling di Melaka dan di Pulau Pinang.

Kita bukan 'assobiyah' atau cuba menghina mana-mana kaum dalam negara ini. Cuma kita ingin mengemukakan fakta yang sebenarnya... dan kita perlu berlapang dada untuk menerima kebenaran.

Sila bagi hujah yang bernas serta berfakta bagi menafikan bahawasanya golongan 'mamak tongkang' yang bertebaran di seluruh negara kita tidak boleh dipanggil sebagai 'KELING'.

Kita semua harus berfikiran matang dan waras supaya tidak jadi seperti puak-puak UMNO yang hanya tahu menyerang tanpa usul periksa. Kita seharusnya lebih cerdik daripada pecacai takde akai yang ada dalam UMNO.
Elias Hj Idris

Peringatan dari UAI (Ustaz Azhar Idrus):

Jangan ragu-ragu untuk mengatakan seseorg itu murtad (keluar dari Islam) jika dia menolak Al-Quran dan Hadis atau menolak salah satu darinya.

HARAM hukumnya menanam mayatnya di tanah perkuburan Islam.

... tak kira la siapa pun; sama ada pemimpin atau pengikut mereka.
Elias Hj Idris
Kekayaan yang melimpah-ruah hasil terlalu lama memerintah.... 
Hakikat diri seorang sosialis bila berada dalam sistem kapitalis. 

Perkara yang paling aneh berlaku sehari yang lalu apabila nama bekas perdana menteri Malaysia, Mahathir Mohamad telah dengan misterinya dipadam dari senarai Wikipedia yang memberi maklumat tentang harta yang dimiliki oleh pemimpin semasa dan bersara di negara-negara serata dunia.

Dengan menyebut 53 rujukan, Wikipedia telah menyenaraikan Mahathir sebagai bekas pemimpin negara yang kedua terkaya di dunia selepas Presiden Mesir, Hosni Mubarak yang memiliki sejumlah sekitar USD40 ke USD70billion.

Walau bagaimanapun, laman Wikipedia yang masih boleh dilayari di Malaysia, nama Mahathir dengan misterinya telah dipadam pada hari Isnin 17 Disember 2012 beberapa minit selepas Malaysia Chronicle menyiarkan berita - "Mahathir now the world's second richest ex-leader with USD44billion!" (Mahathir sekarang bekas pemimpin kedua terkaya dengan harta sejumlah USD44billion!).

(Sila rujuk pada versi bergambar laman web di mana nama Mahathir disenaraikan dengan jelas selepas Mubarak dan bandingkan ia dengan versi seperti di pautan

Harus diingatkan bahawa berita itu ditulis bukan berniat jahat tetapi berdasarkan dakwaan Wikipedia bahawa Mahathir memiliki sejumlah USD44billion. Jika benarlah dakwaan ini, ia pasti ada implikasi buruk bagi Malaysia dan Mahathir kerana bagaimana seorang perdana menteri yang dipilih rakyat memperolehi begitu banyak kekayaan tanpa melibatkan diri dalam aktiviti yang korup.

Sama ada Mahathir benar-benar memiliki harta sejumlah USD44billion atau tidak, tiada siapa yang tahu. Dan seperti namanya yang tiba-tiba hilang dari senarai Wikipedia, konklusi kompleks yang perlu dirungkai untuk mengetahui sejauh mana kayanya Mahathir dan keluarganya akan memerlukan lebih dari gabungan penyiasat Hercule Poirot dan Miss Marple. Sekumpulan pasukan terdiri daripada akauntan, para audit, pakar kewangan dan perbankan akan diperlukan, tidak kurang daripada itu.

Mengugut Taib dan Jeffrey?

Walaupun begitu, menurut salah satu daripada sumber rujukan Wikipedia, modus operandi Mahathir boleh dijelaskan melalui pemahaman logik daripada apa yang dilakukan oleh Hosni Mubarak contohnya, dengan melibatkan diri dalam setiap urusan perniagaan di dalam negara dengan adanya monopoli, birokrasi, rasuah, nepotisma dan banyak lagi.

Mahathir mula memegang kuasa pada 1981dan hanya bersara pada 2003. Pada era 1980-an, keadaan politik dan ekonomi Malaysia tidak stabil dan Mahathir bergelut untuk mengekalkan kuasanya dalam parti, keatas lawannya dan juga kerajaan. Wang sentiasa membantu dalam apa jua masalah. Ini merupakan sesuatu yang Mahathir, sekarang berusia 87 tahun telah sedari pada masa itu.

Ada pemerhati politik percaya bahawa dia telah mengukuhkan kedudukannya dengan mengumpul wang untuk membiayai kerjaya politiknya yang lama dengan pada mulanya menjadikan orang kuat Sabah, Jeffrey Kitingan sebagai mangsa dan seterusnya Taib Mahmud di Sarawak. Dan hingga kehari ini, Taib dituduh masih ‘membiayai’ Mahathir untuk membolehkannya terus berkuasa sebagai ketua proksi Putrajaya di Borneo.

Tidak mungkin Taib boleh kekal sebagai Ketua Menteri begitu lama di Sarawak dan langsung tidak dijentik oleh Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah (SPRM) tanpa dia memberi balasan kepada mereka yang berkuasa di Putrajaya, pusat pentadbiran kerajaan persekutuan. Pada masa yang sama, mereka yang berada di Putrajaya menggunakan Taib untuk merompak hasil kekayaan di Sarawak.

Jadi tidak hairanlah jika semua tahu bahawa Mahathir tidak pernah suka pada Taib dan pernah cuba untuk memperkecilkannya sejurus selepas menjadi perdana menteri pada tahun 1981 dengan hanya menyerahkannya jawatan sebagai menteri wilayah persekutuan untuk menunjukkan ketidakpuasan hatinya pada Taib. Mungkin ada sebab disebalik kegilaan ini. Kebencian Mahathir pada Taib mungkin akan menyebabkannya kehilangan sesuatu yang amat berharga. Jadi, dia mesti menundukkan Sarawak dan menjadikannya patuh pada Putrajaya sebagai tabungan.
Jeffrey tidak mahu kehilangan satu sen pun dari Mahathir sebelum ISA.

Taib ‘tidak mahu’atau menolak perlantikannya sebagai menteri wilayah persekutuan dan kembali ke Sarawak dengan satu misi. Sejurus selepas Mahathir menjadi Perdana Menteri, dia mahu mengambil alih tugas bapa saudaranya, Abdul Rahman Ya’kub sebagai Ketua Menteri. Pada masa itu, Sarawak United People’s Party (SUPP) di bawah Stephen Yong mengugut untuk meninggalkan BN selagi Rahman yang anti bukan Islam menjadi Ketua Menteri.

Jeffrey, seperti mana keadaan politik di Sabah yang bukan menjadi rahsia, tidak mahu kehilangan walau satu sen pun wang kepada Mahathir dan Mahathir secara kebetulannya, menjatuhkan Jeffrey dengan menahannya di bawah Akta Keselamatan Dalam Negeri (ISA) selama 2 tahun.

Jeffrey telah dituduh Mahathir merancang mengeluarkan Sabah dari Malaysia secara paksaan dan menjadikan ia sebagai sebuah republik Kristian dengan dirinya sebagai presiden. Di Sabah, Mahathir telah dipercayai menjadi dalang yang mengaut semua wang yang ada dalam akaun luar negara milik Jeffrey untuk dirinya sendiri dan menjatuhkan Jeffrey hanya sejurus sebelum pilihanraya negeri itu bermula pada tahun 1994.

Hakikatnya, Jeffrey, yang pada suatu masa begitu kaya sehingga tidak boleh dibayangkan telah tiba-tiba jatuh miskin setelah ditahan di bawah ISA.

Pembela Mahathir mendakwa bahawa ramai pemegang amanah Jeffrey dan penamanya lari bersama jutaan ringgit yang disimpan di luar negara, urusniaga di Sabah dan di tempat-tempat lain. Ada yang menyebut jumlah hartanya di Australia adalah sebanyak USD700juta.

Pemegang amanah dan penama ini tidak lagi bersama Jeffrey namun ada di antara mereka yang telah mengadakan urusan perniagaan bersama parti pemerintah, terutamanya dalam permerdagangan balak yang dipercayai untuk membiayai kerjaya politik Jeffrey sekarang mungkin kerana mereka merasa bersalah di atas apa yang telah berlaku dahulu.

Penahanan Jeffrey kerana ‘Republik Kristian’ adalah kebiasaan bagi Dr Mahathir dalamn mengalihkan perhatian dalam perebutan wang. Tidak diketahui jika dan berapa banyak Mahathir dan/atau negeri itu mungkin telah ambil atau denda Jeffrey secara rasmi atau tidak. Tetapi ini tidak memberhentikan cakap-cakap di kedai kopi di Sabah.

Satu petunjuk datang dari USD4bilion yang disebut Mahathir dari laporan Price Waterhouse ke atas audit yang dijalankan ke atas Yayasan Sabah semasa Parti Bersatu Sabah memimpin kerajaan negeri pada1994 sedang mengalami kejatuhan. Laporan membuat penemuan ada perbezaan ketara antara harga sebenar atau harga pasaran balak dengan harga kontrak jangka panjang yang jauh lebih rendah.

Mahathir mungkin juga telah cuba mengalih perhatian daripada dirinya yang sedang mencuri wang Jeffrey dengan cuba membuktikan bahawa wang itu masih ada, tetapi hilang semasa penguasaan Jeffrey semasa dia menerajui Yayasan Sabah.

Jawapan yang telah diberikan Jeffrey apabila isu itu diketengahkan adalah Mahathir berbohong. Menurut Jeffrey, balak tidak boleh dijual mengikut harga tetap. Lebih banyak jumlah yang dibeli, lebih murah harganya dan begitu juga sebaliknya. Lagipun, harganya pada masa hadapan tidak akan sama.

Taib lebih bernasib baik

Walau bagaimanapun, kebenaran mungkin terletak di antara cerita Mahathir dan penerangan Jeffrey. Dalam apa jua keadaan, pemimpin pembangkang Sabah itu tidak pernah didakwa atas tuduhan rasuah.

Tetapi tidak seorang pun akan menafikan bahawa Jeffrey terlalu kaya pada suatu masa dahulu dan sekarang hanya bergantung kepada pencen yang diberi oleh Yayasan Sabah, parlimen dan dewan negeri. Jika kesuntukan wang, dan bekas pembantunya atau pemegang amanah tidak mampu untuk menyediakan wang secepat mungkin, dia akan menjual tanah ataupun hartanya atau meminta bantuan daripada abangnya, Joseph Pairin Kitingan, Huguansiou ketua kaum kadazan tertinggi di Sabah.

Jika khabar angin itu benar, Mahathir tentunya sudah mendapat begitu banyak kalau bukan dari Taib, tentunya dari Jeffrey untuk mengisi geroboknya namun bekas Perdana Menteri itu masih memastikan pemimpin Sarawak itu menikmati kemewahan agar orang Islam mendominasi negeri yang majoriti Dayaknya beragama Kristian itu.

Dalam kes Jeffrey, Mahathir mungkin mahu memufliskannya sama sekali supaya orang Kristian, penduduk asal di Sabah tidak mempunyai modal untuk menentang dari segi politik sekaligus mencabar tindakan Putrajaya untuk meminggirkan dan menyekat mereka melalui pengasingan kaum secara sistematik, prejudis dan opportunisma seperti yang jelas dalam polisi penjajahan dalaman.
USD100billion hilang semasa pemerintahan Dr M. Jeffrey dan Taib mungkin sasaran awal bagi Mahathir, dengan hidangan utama telah dimamahnya sepanjang 22 tahun pemerintahannya sebagai Perdana Menteri.

Dalam buku tulisan Barry Wain, Malaysian Maverick: Mahathir Mohamad in Turbulent Times, menunjukkan sekurang-kurangnya USD100billion telah lenyap di era pemerintahan Mahathir dari tahun 1981 hingga 2003.

Kebanyakkan daripada wang yang hilang ini mungkin wang yang diperolehi daripada perbezaan kos sebenar prokumen, kontrak, kuota, tender, permit, konsesi, lesen dan banyak lagi jumlah yang merugikan pembayar cukai sebanyak dua kali ganda malah tiga dan sehingga sepuluh ganda wang sebenar.

Baru-baru ini, Automatic Enforcement System atau Sistem Penguatkuasa Otomatik (AES) telah menelan belanja lebih sepuluh kali ganda bagi Perbendaharaan Negara.

Sebelumnya, berlaku kes kehilangan wang oleh Bank Negara sebanyak RM30billion di bursa pertukaran asing pada masa pemerintahan Mahathir. Kita juga mengalami kerugian daripada skim pemerolehan pasaran Timah Antarabangsa di London, jumlah yang tidak diketahui untuk menggantikan peranan orang Cina di Malaysia dengan Jepun di bawah polisi perkauman jahat 'Pandang Ke Timur' yang melakukan pembaziran ke atas Perbendaharaan Negara dengan polisi yang sama jahatnya serta berbaur perkauman Buy British Last. Kesemua bukti rompakan wang ini diselindungi oleh semangat patriotik di bawah label 'Malaysia Boleh'.

Mahathir & Co, seperti yang diberitahu oleh bekas Menteri Kewangan, Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah di Australia tidak lama dahulu, mereka membahagikan kontrak sesama sendiri. Razaleigh dituduh oleh pentadbiran Mahathir sebagai ‘mengkhianati’ negara dengan memburuk-burukkannya di luar negara. Nampaknya, Mahathir adalah Malaysia dan Malaysia itu Mahathir.

Mahathir mungkin telah melakukan apa yang dituduh oleh Razaleigh dengan mengambil wang negara untuk dirinya sendiri melalui jaringan penama, kroni, si tamak sepertinya juga. Jika benar, dia saling tak tumpah seperti Hosni Mubarak dan ramai lagi diktator korup di dunia ketiga yang rakus merompak kekayaan negara sementara menjadikan hutang terlalu tinggi pada masa pemerintahannya.

Menarik perhatian CIA?

Mungkin juga, di sebalik buku Wain dan senarai Wikipedia, Mahathir telah meletak jawatan sebagai Perdana Menteri pada tahun 2003 kerana takut dirinya akan dipertanggungjawabkan atas penyalahgunaan kuasa dan konflik kepentingan semasa pemerintahannya.

Dia telah dituduh mencari jalan untuk meninggalkan jawatannya, tetapi masih mengekalkan kuasa di balik tabir untuk memastikan pihak berkuasa tidak mendakwanya. Persepsi rakyat adalah Majlis Tertinggi Umno berada di bawah telunjuk Mahathir sementara Najib Razak menjadi Perdana Menteri boneka dari belakang isterinya.

Semua masih ingat lagi pada ucapan selamat tinggal Mahathir yang ibarat sandiwara setelah menitiskan air mata di kaca televisyen sambil mengatakan bahawa dirinya telah ‘gagal mengubah pemikiran rakyat’. Benarkah dia peduli dan itu bukanlah misinya?

Ia mungkin satu kebetulan bahawa Wikipedia telah berjaya menyenaraikan apa yang telah diperolehi oleh Mahathir melalui cara haram sehinggalah kepada PRU ke-13. Ini nampaknya seperti kerja Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) sebagai tanda Washington mahu Mahathir dan Barisan Nasional yang memerintah untuk tidak lagi berkuasa. Ini adalah modus operandi biasa kerajaan AS iaitu keluarkan maklumat peribadi kewangan yang merosakkan kredibiliti sesorang individu yang disasarkan mereka untuk musnah.

Mahathir selama ini telah berhati-hati untuk melindungi kekayaannya di negara yang tidak boleh diperiksa oleh sistem perbankan antarabangsa SWIFT dan IBAN yang dipunyai dan biayai oleh AS untuk menjejaki perolehan haram, pengubahan wang dan pembiayaan pengganas. Jepun dikatakan antara negara di mana bekas Perdana Menteri itu menyimpan kebanyakkan daripada asetnya.

Mahathir punyai banyak wang untuk melakukan kerosakan.

Kesimpulannya, Mahathir dengan hartanya yang melimpah-ruah, boleh meneruskan pengaruh dan penguasaannya ke atas politik Melayu di Malaysia ini, iaitu bagi komuniti yang berbahasa Melayu dari bangsa Bugis, Jawa, Minang, Acheh dan India Muslim di Semenanjung Malaysia. Dia dilaporkan membiayai Perkasa, persatuan ektrimis yang diketuai bonekanya Ibrahim Ali dan percubaannya untuk campur tangan dalam hal-hal politik Parti PKR dan PAS pimpinan Ketua Pembangkang Anwar Ibrahim.

Mahathir sememangnya sudah pun mengawal sebahagian besar wang Petronas dari Sabah dan Sarawak. Dia telah dituduh tidak boleh membezakan antara wangnya dan wang Petronas jika dilihat dari berapa yang dimasukkannya dalam Yayasan Kepimpinan Perdana dan bagaimana dia dengan bebas menggunakan pesawat koperat dan kapal layar yang dimiliki oleh syarikat minyak itu. Terdapat gambarnya bercuti di atas kapal layar tersebut di Mediterranean, sedangkan YDP Agong sebagai ketua negara Malaysia sendiri pun tidak pernah memiliki keistimewaan tersebut.

Mahathir juga mempunyai wang untuk campur tangan di negara luar seperti Palestin dan Bosnia-Herzegovina dan banyak lagi melalui Yayasan Kepimpinan Perdananya - khasnya untuk menyebarkan teori merapunya tentang kepimpinan dan pembinaan misi dan telah disyaki oleh Washington pada masa lalu membiayai senjata di negara-negara ini. Bagi AS, ini perbuatan melampau.

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Dari segi agama pula inilah wajah sebenar beliau.
Elias Hj Idris

29 Mac 2014.

Jangan biarkan kehilangan MH370 jadi tergantung-gantung tanpa penghujung seperti kes pembunuhan n peletupan jasad Altantuyaa. Adakah kehilangan pesawat penumpang yang serba canggih itu akan terus tergantung di Lautan Hindi; tiada bahan bukti, tiada sebab apa-apa dan ia akan tersimpan dalam catatan sejaran sebagai tragerdi misteri.

Dapatkah kejadian ini mampu menyedarkan sekelian rakyat Malaysia? Mampukah pesawat MH370 membawa perubahan senario politik tanah air?

Mampukah lanskap dan perpecahan politik dalam Malaysia berubah selepas pengajaran yang diterima daripada krisis dan tragedi MH370.

Adakah rakyat Malaysia masih mahu mencari kesalahan sesiapa secara politik selepas krisis MH370 seperti kebiasaannya? Allahu-a'laam.

Seorang penulis di laman web Al Jazeera berkata, pada masa ini ramai yang terlalu letih daripada segi emosi dengan apa yang berlaku; apabila tiba saat semua teka-teki terongkai dan kekeruhan jadi jernih, kehidupan pastinya sudah berjalan seperti biasa di Malaysia.

“Sebaik saja tragedi itu selesai, bolehkah pengajaran di sebaliknya menjadi pemangkin kepada perubahan politik, atau sesuatu yang dapat menyedarkan, yang amat Malaysia perlukan sekarang?

“Adakah rakyat Malaysia akan mendesak jawapan lebih baik daripada kerajaan bermula daripada sekarang – dan apa yang lebih penting bolehkah pemerintah yang elit sekarang berkhidmat dengan lebih baik?” kata penulis sambilan, Zarina Banu dalam Al Jazeera minggu ini.

Beliau berkata, komunikasi terus bercanggah dan tidak cekap mengenai pesawat MH370, yang membawa 239 penumpang dan anak kapal ketika ia hilang dalam perjalanan ke Beijing pada 8 Mac, masih belum ada bangkai atau serpihan dijumpai hingga sekarang.

Namun katanya, rakyat Malaysia berpecah mengenai cara kepimpinan mengendalikan kejadian malapetaka itu – rekahan yang mencerminkan secara maya politik terbahagi 50-50 di antara kerajaan dan pembangkang.

“Di kawasan luar bandar, populasi yang bergantung kepada kerajaan percaya bahawa kerajaan telah melakukan kerja yang terbaik. Demografi ini mendorong kepada Umno, parti Melayu yang memerintah dan ditunjukkan oleh betapa tenangnya pemangku Menteri Pengangkutan, Hishammuddin Hussein, yang tabah berdepan dengan media dunia.

“Hakikatnya, ramai rakyat Malaysia berpendapat bahawa media antarabangsa memberikan laporan yang tidak wajar. Malam demi malam, emosi ahli keluarga warga China disiarkan di media negara itu, sementara Amerika Syarikat (AS) menerusi parti Republican dan Democrat mendesak pembabitan yang lebih AS dalam mencari dan penyiasatan tragedi itu,” tulis Zarina.
Beliau berkata, rakyat Malaysia berpendapat syarikat penerbangan negara itu bersusah payah melayan keluarga 239 penumpang pesawat Boeing 777 itu dengan baik dan penuh sensitiviti.

Malaysia Airlines, yang hingga kini memegang reputasi sebagai antara syarikat penerbangan terbaik di Asia Tenggara adalah kebanggaan ramai rakyat Malaysia, katanya.

Pun begitu Zarina berkata, populasi Malaysia di kawasan bandar yang lebih bersikap analitikal adalah lebih sinikal.

“Apabila masuk hari ke-19 tragedi itu, mereka mahu tahu mengapa, di sebalik semua kelengkapan komunikasi paling hebat di abad ke-21, Malaysia dengan semua negara yang membantu, masih boleh “hilang” pesawat tersebut.

“Kegagalan Tentera Udara Diraja Malaysia memintas pesawat itu menyebabkan rakyat terbanyak berasa tidak selamat dan malu dengan kelemahan pasukan tentera mereka,” katanya.

Pakatan Rakyat menekan kerajaan di parlimen mengenai pasukan tentera, dan mereka dikatakan memainkan politik partisan ketika tragedi melanda, tulis Zarina.

“Pesongan mencari kesalahan dan kesombongan di kalangan kepimpinan Malaysia pada hari-hari awal kekecohan itu amat menyakitkan dan mengingatkan kepada sikap parti pemerintah, Umno dan gabungannya.

“Bangsa dan agama digunakan setiap hari untuk memecahkan hubungan antara tiga kumpulan etnik. Sedangkan hari ini, tidak seperti pada zaman 1970-an dan 1980-an, di mana amat sedikit pergaulan di antara etnik Melayu, India dan Cina.

“Negara itu kini mempunyai guru Melayu yang menyuruh generasi ketiga, keempat dan kelima kaum Cina dan India yang lahir di Malaysia untuk balik ke negara nenek moyang mereka,” tulisnya.

Beliau berkata, Malaysia menjadi rumah kepada populasi muda – iaitu daripada 29 juta orang, kira-kira 11.5 juta berumur antara 10 hingga 29 dan ramai yang menggunakan media sosial untuk “meluahkan kesedihan dan menekan kerajaan untuk berubah daripada pemikiran lama”.

“Tetapi tanpa fraktur institusi dan perubahan kerajaan, sejauh manakah kehilangan pesawat itu mencetuskan reformasi politik yang kukuh?

“Pembangkang akan terus mendesak jawapan mengenai bagaimana pesawat itu tidak mampu dikesan untuk satu tempoh yang lama, yang pada masa nan sama dapatkah kerajaan mampu memberikan maklum balas yang boleh dipercayai atau dipertikaikan?"

“Sebaik saja kehangatan tragedi ini berakhir dan media antarabangsa meninggalkan Kuala Lumpur untuk ke tempat lain, kerajaan tidak syak lagi akan kembali kepada cara dan cerita lamanya,” tulis Zarina.

“Adakah rakyat Malaysia akan mencari kesalahan politik selepas tragedi itu? Pada masa ini, ramai yang letih daripada segi emosi. Mereka tidak pernah mengalami trauma seperti ini yang mendapat perhatian dunia.

“Sama seperti keluarga mereka yang menjadi mangsa, rakyat Malaysia mengharapkan bukti kukuh pesawat itu dan apa yang membuatkannya terhempas akan dapat dijadikan kesimpulan dan penutup kepada tragedi itu.

“Hanya pada ketika itu mereka boleh mula melihat kepada kesannya. Tetapi, hingga tiba waktu itu, ia mungkin sudah terlalu lewat dan daripada malapetaka itu berperanan sebagai pemangkin perubahan, keadaan sudah menjadi seperti biasa,” katanya.

Elias Hj Idris
Bangsa (dibaca 'betina') tatau malu!

Presiden Filipina dan isterinya terpaksa kena tunggu si Mak Lampir ni tulis nama kat buku pelawat.

Elias Hj Idris

By Yoichi Shimatsu, 3-20-14

The closer that millions of online sleuths come to tracing the trajectory and destination of the missing Malaysian Airlines jetliner, the likelier it becomes that the National Security Agency and CIA will resort to disinformation, including the planting of falsified evidence, to throw off their pursuers in what increasingly appears to be an electronic hijacking by those spy agencies.

More layers of the ongoing cover-up are being hatched now that eyewitnesses at the Huvadhu Atoll, a diving area in the southern Maldives,, have reported sightings of "a low-flying jumbo jet.: South of Huvadhu Atoll, the closest U.S. military facility is Diego Garcia in the Chagos Islands. The joint U.S. Navy submarine and Air Force facility has underground hangers huge enough to conceal B-52 bombers, a convenient hiding place for a Boeing-777.

Huvadhu is a prominent marker in the vast Indian Ocean, used as the turning point for flights into Diego Garcia. There valuable cargo - either classified documents or a human intelligence asset - can be secretly landed and reloaded on a USAF cargo jet or a Navy submarine. Countless secret and illegal "extraordinary rendition" flights were sent to Diego Garcia in the war on terror, and there is no practical reason why the same US intelligence agencies would not use it to land a civilian aircraft hijacked by remote control.

Pieces of the wreckage spotted by US ally Australia further south of Diego Garcia could be a decoy site, salted with physical evidence of airplane parts that have been moved surreptitiously. As in the unsolved mystery of Amelia Earhart, who was on an espionage mission against the Japanese forces in the South Pacific before her disappearance, there is the possibility that a hostile military force moved tantalizing evidence from the actual landing site to a more distant remote island by plane or ship.
Malaysia Targeted by Air-Sea Battle Plan.

The case of a MH370 has been solely focused on the possibility of a route diversion by the on-board crew. Completely ignored in press releases and news reports so far is the elephant in the room, or perhaps a better analogy of a Great White Shark in the bathtub - the massive U.S. Navy and Air Force presence in the seas and airspace surrounding Malaysia.

There is absolutely no way that a flying object as large as a Boeing-777 could evade the 24-hour watch over the South China Sea and the Andaman Sea by NSA-USAF spy satellites, high-tech AEGIS destroyers, the new class of Littoral Combat Ships and P3 surveillance planes.

The reasons for targeting Malaysia becomes clearer by examining the bigger picture of an aggressive military build-up in the Southeast Asia region by the combined armed forces of the US, Japan and Australia under Washington's "strategic pivot to Asia" policy. This geopolitical strategy is carried out by the Pentagon and its military allies through the Air-Sea Battle Concept, which disperses Navy and Air Force fighter jets across a network of civilian airfields and secret landing strips.

Beijing is not the only target of the Air-Sea Battle Concept. Malaysia runs a close second to China on Washington's enemies list. Flight MH370, destined for Beijing, is the literal embodiment of the economic alliance and political relationship between : China and Malaysia, making the airliner a most convenient target.

Pressuring Kuala Lumpur

Located on the geostrategic Malacca Strait, Malaysia is a predominantly Muslim oil-producing nation with a "Look East" policy allying itself with Japan and China. Last year the Malaysian and Chinese governments established an economic alliance, which includes Asian access to world oil reserves. In the eyes of Washington and its allies, these are sufficient grounds to treat Kuala Lumpur as an adversary.

Even though the Malaysian police force has cooperated closely with the US Embassy in the war on terror, which led to arrests of top-ranking Al Qaeda-linked terrorists, that is not good enough. The late Moammar Gaddhafi of Libya and Syrian President Bashar al-Assad also aided Washington in post-911 anti-terrorism, and look where it got them. It is not enough to be a friend of America. For a leader to survive, he must be a groveling yes-man, a political slave - and never mind America's long-forgotten principles of sovereignty or self-determination.

Warnings from Washington were repeatedly given to Malaysia over the past few years. In late August 2013, Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel flew to Kuala Lumpur last year to pressure the Defence Ministry to cooperated with the strategic pivot through joint naval-and-air exercises directed against Chinese forces in the Malaysian-claimed islets in the Spratley group. These spits of rock and sand located off of Sabah, the Malaysian state in northwest Borneo, have names longer than their diameters, for instance, Investigator Reef and Mariveles Reef.

At the same time, a mystery force led by a claimant to the title of Sultan of Saah send a group of Filipino gunmen, allegedly trained by a retired American commando, attacked Sabah with a series of shootouts with the Malaysian Army. US counterinsurgency troops happened to be operating in the southern Islamic-dominated areas of the Philippines, where the "sultan" recruited his desperado guerrillas.

Meanwhile, as disclosed by NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden, Washington with the cooperation of Singapore was massively eavesdropping on Malaysian communications, banking and Internet traffic. Kuala Lumpur filed a diplomatic protest with Singapore, which downplayed its role as an agent for American, British and Israeli interests in Southeast Asia.

Not by any coincidence, this writer earlier exposed the role of Google in trying to block visitors to pro-Palestinian websites in Malaysia and Kuala Lumpur. Malaysia has taken an active role in sending aid boats to Gaza and speaking on behalf of Palestinian rights at the UN. Google has close relations with the electronic warfare operations of the Pentagon and the Israel Defense Force, and sponsors a research center in Technion, a technical university in Haifa closely integrated with the IDF.

MH370 is not the first possible casualty of the strategic pivot policy. In May 2011, a Sukhoi Superjet 100 airliner was "accidentally" downed in nearby Indonesia. That mysterious crash into a mountain on a clear day happened after takeoff from Halim Air Base, the planning center for the Air-Sea Battle Concept across the vast Indonesian archipelago. Sukhoi Aircraft Industries had strong connections with Malaysia, where Russian plane manufacturer was planning to build a regional maintenance center - a business plan since canceled under pressure from the Pentagon, Boeing and Lockheed.
The Malaysia has the only air force in the region that flies Sukhoi jet fighters, which unlike US-supplied warplanes, cannot be electronically controlled and disarmed by a computer-code signal from the Pentagon.

How to Knock Out Aviation Electronics

The flight paths of MH370 were not across uncharted waters, as news reports suggest, but over some of the world's most heavily watched maritime channels. As soon as the jet lifted off Kuala Lumpur, its communications signals and radar image were picked up by US Navy signals intercepts officers stationed at Changi Navy Base and Sembawang dockyard in Singapore, which are effectively bases for the 7th Fleet. Triple coverage would have been provided by USAF listening posts at Halim Air Base near Jakarta.

The Malaysian airliner would then been picked up by the many USN ships patrolling the South China Sea, in and around the Spratley Islands. Besides AEGIS radar ships, the Navy has dispatched a new class of Littoral Combat Ships, including the USS Freedom, to the pivot.

Beamed from one of these ships, a powerful type of radar called X-band or narrow-aperture radar could easily have disabled all of the planes. The advanced radar system, now used in electromagnetic warfare to knock out missile and planes, led to the unintended blackout of Los Angeles Airport (LAX) in April 2004.

As told to me by a former Navy communications officer, "the new type of radar was commissioned by Admiral Jeremy Boorda, who was an enthusiast for anything hi-tech. When our destroyer came to the port of Los Angeles, someone switched on the radar and the electrical power went down at LAX and all of the surrounding area. LAX was closed for hours, but the incident was hushed up by the Pentagon." Boorda was the victim of an apparent suicide in 1996 after infuriating the officer corps by exposing widespread problem of rape in the naval ranks.

As reported in the news, MH370 was steered toward the Indian Ocean by the insertion of a computer command into its navigation system. Since at least the 911 incident and possibly earlier, Boeing passenger jets can be remote-controlled by the US intelligence agencies. Any recently built American-built aircraft can now be electronically commandeered and operated like a drone.

The only question is whether the American government is willing to engage in such a reckless disregard innocent lives. That point has already been proven in countless drone strikes against civilian compounds in places like Afghanistan, Yemen, Iraq, the Horn of Africa and many unreported locales. Though illegal and immoral, death from the skies is official policy. Without any effective restraints, the Pentagon can easily eliminate the passengers of Malaysian Airlines.

Perhaps it is not too late to save any surviving hostages, but that task would require a commando team capable of rescuing them from inside a heavily guarded U.S. Military base in the center of the Indian Ocean and flying them to India, the only coastal country in the region secure enough from a Pentagon counterstrike. Rambo, are you ready?

Flying Under the Radar

After its electronic systems were knocked out, MH370 made a sharp left turn toward the Kra Peninsula along the thinly populated and insurgency-troubled Malaysia-Thai border. The jet dove to 6,000 feet and possibly lower, enabling it to evade detection by flying below the ground radar. Its path, however, was briefly picked up from the northern side, where the Thai Air Force bases a fleet of Saab jet fighters.

Significantly, the plane did not crash into the steep mountain range along the Kelantan-Kedah state border, but managed to fly in between the taller peaks. Either the passengers and crew were blessed with incredible luck or the MH370 was flying under remote control. Remote piloting software for a plane, now a readily available for drones, was first developed by Israeli programmers, all of them former IDF officers, in Atel, Israel, prior to 911. The same team created the hacker-immune Waterfall software for critical infrastructure, which was released coincidentally at the same time as the Stuxnet virus.

Then MH370 crossed over the Strait of Malacca and the Andaman Sea, which is crowded with commercial vessels and oil tankers. That particular section of the strategic passage is constantly monitored by NSA-CIA surveillance stations assigned to protect Indonesia's Sumatra offshore oil platforms operated by Exxon and BP. Just north of Phuket is the Thai Navy's 3rd Headquarters, where American servicemen keep track of all ship and airplane traffic over the Andaman Sea.
It is impossible, in short, with so many radar facilities and airbases in that oil-rich sea for any jetliner, especially along an unscheduled air route, to go unspotted. So somebody is lying, and perhaps everybody is lying.

The Impunity of Criminal States

The cargo manifest for MH370 has yet to be released, just like the SwissAir 111 shipment of pallets of bonds was never disclosed. Perhaps the motive was an economic crime, although that possibility is far-fetched since Malaysia is not a major holder of US Treasury bonds.

The other possible motive is the human assets aboard the jet. The passenger manifest does not disclose the occupation or rank associated with the names. Was there a VIP on board of extreme high value to Western intelligence agencies?

The lesson of MH370 is that the Great Powers act in secrecy and with impunity. Wars of strategic interest are no longer waged openly but are conducted by proxy armies, mercenaries with guns, propaganda agents placed inside of human-rights groups, media blackmail, social media manipulation and spies in the sky.

Electronic warfare against planes or against smartphones is by now routine and accepted by dumbed-down users, with no apologies or regrets expressed by the NSA or the Pentagon. Smaller players who cross those invisible red lines or dare to put a stick in the eye of the big boys, end up broken into tiny pieces. In this cruel new world of subterfuge and sabotage, one learns to play the game or is quickly ejected into oblivion like a lost airliner.

Against the prospect of total domination of global society by spy agencies, resistance by any means and for whatever the cost is not just a game; it is political duty and moral obligation to restore long-ignored constitutional principles and the rule of law. The all-powerful hunters will become the frightened hunted, as is starting to happen now as millions of online users narrow down the destination of MH370.

Yoichi Shimatsu, former editor of the Japan Times Weekly, is a Hong Kong-based science and technology writer.

Times of India, "Missing Malaysian Jetliner: Maldives Islanders Saw 'Low-Flying Plane", March 18, 2014;

Documents disclosing the connection between Waterfall Security for critical infrastructure to the same Israeli software developer that designed a remote cockpit have been removed from the web, along with articles mentioning the role of Israeli aircraft-controls designer Ehud Mendelson in the Lockheed Martin drone program. See posting of Christopher Bollyn, "How a Two-Way Data Pipe Hijacked the 911 aircraft",

The series of reports on the intrigue behind the Sukhoi Superjet 100 crash and the Internet warfare against Malaysian peace organizations was reported by the 5th Estate in Jakarta (www.freepeople'sthe5thestate), but the online news site was repeatedly hit by computer hacking and loss of domain name, with Google failing to respond to numerous requests to cease its sabotage.

US Department of Defense, press release, August 24, 2013. "Hagel Underscores Commitment to Partnership with Malaysia",
Stars & Stripes, "First Littoral Combat Ship Arrives in Singapore", April 13, 2013
AFP report on Thailand military picking up radar blips in the opposite direction of the planned flight path, March 19, as reported in the Hindustan Times.
Elias Hj Idris

Inikah sebenarnya yang berlaku pada MH370?

Satu laporan yang diedarkan di Kremlin yang disediakan oleh Main Intelligence Directorate of the General Staff of the Armed Forces (GRU) menyatakan bahawa ibupejabat Aerospace Defence Forces (VKO) "hairan" tentang situasi di mana Tentera Laut Amerika Syarikat (US Navy) "menangkap dan kemudian mengalihkan" sebuah kapal terbang komersial milik Malaysia Airlines (MAS) ke satu kem rahsia dipercayai terletak di Atol Diego Garcia dalam kawasan Lautan Hindi.

Menurut laporan ini, pesawat MH370 (juga dikenali dengan 748 melalui perkongsian kod dengan penerbangan China Southern Airlines) merupakan penerbangan komersial dari Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia ke Beijing, China, apabila pada 8 Mac pesawat Boeing 777-200ER ini secara tiba-tiba "ghaib" dalam penerbangan berserta 227 penumpang dari 15 buah negara yang kebanyakannya daripada negara China, beserta 12 anak kapal.

Sesuatu yang menarik utk diberi perhatian, laporan ini menyebut, sebenarnya Penerbangan MH370 sudah berada di bawah pengawasan GRU sebaik sahaja ia menerima maklumat terdapat kargo “sangat mencurigakan” yang dikesan mempunyai kaitan dengan Republik Seyschelles yang sebelum itu kargo berkenaan berada di dalam kapal kontena MV Maersk Alabama.

Antara perkara pertama yang membangkitkan wasangka GRU ialah apabila dalam tempoh 24 jam kerja-kerja pemunggahan kargo “sangat mencurigakan” itu dilakukan dan sebelum dimasukkan ke dalam MH370, dua orang Tentera Laut Amerika Syarikat yang terlatih iaitu Mark Daniel Kennedy, 43, dan Jeffrey Keith Reynolds, 44 dijumpai mati di dalam "keadaan yang mencurigakan"
Kennedy dan Reynolds, adalah pekerja di firma keselamatan The Trident Group yang diasaskan oleh US Navy Special Operations Personnel (SEAL’s) dan Senior US Naval Surface Warfare Officers yang telah lama diketahui oleh GRU berfungsi untuk melindungi pemindahan aset-aset penting meliputi bahan-bahan atom dan biologi di seluruh dunia.

Setelah GRU mengesahkan bahawa kargo "sangat mencurigakan" berada di atas kapal Malaysia Airlines Penerbangan MH370 pada 8 Mac, Moscow segera memaklumkan Kementerian Keselamatan Dalam Negeri China (MSS) kebimbangan mereka dan segera menerima "jaminan” bahawa "semua langkah" akan diambil bagi memastikan apa yang telah disimpan akan kekal tersembunyi sebaik sahaja pesawat ini memasuki ruang udara mereka.

Walau bagaimanapun, laporan ini turut menyebut atas sebab-sebab masih tidak diketahui, MSS telah bersiap sedia untuk mengalihkan Penerbangan MH370 dari destinasi yang dijadualkan di Beijing ke Haikou Meilan International Airport (HAK) yang terletak di Wilayah Hainan (aka Pulau Hainan)
Sebelum memasuki Zon The People Liberation Army (PLA) yang dilindungi di Laut China Selatan atau dikenali juga sebagai Kepulauan Spratly, Penerbangan 370 "ketara menyimpang" dari laluan penerbangannya dan telah dikesan oleh satelit dan radar VKO terbang ke rantau Lautan Hindi serta melengkapkan penerbangan hampir 3,447 kilometer (2,142 batu) ke Diego Garcia.

Adalah kritikal untuk diberi perhatian bahawa ketika penyimpangan penerbangan MH370 berlaku, pakar-pakar GRU menyebut, dalam masa yang sama semua akses komunikasi telefon bimbit yang dikendalikan oleh China Mobile tersekat di keseluruhan Kepulauan Spratly.

Liputan telefon China Mobile dilanjutkan ke Kepulauan Spratly pada tahun 2011 supaya tentera PLA yang ditempatkan di pulau-pulau, para nelayan dan kapal-kapal saudagar dalam kawasan itu boleh menggunakan perkhidmatan mudah alih, yang boleh juga digunakan untuk memberi bantuan apabila berlaku kejadian ribut mahupun aktiviti menyelamat di lautan.

Bagaimana Tentera Laut Amerika Syarikat mampu untuk mengalihkan Penerbangan MH370 ke pangkalan Diego Garcia, laporan ini berkata, ianya berjaya dilakukan dari jauh kerana pesawat Boeing 777-200ER ini dilengkapi dengan sistem terbang-dengan-wayar (fly-by-wire - FBW) yang berupaya menggantikan manual kawalan penerbangan pesawat konvensional dengan antara muka elektronik bagi membolehkan ia dikawal secara jarak jauh seperti kendalian mana-mana pesawat dron.

Walau bagaimanapun, meskipun pesawat ini mampu dikawal dari jauh, sistem komunikasi hanya boleh dinyah-aktif secara manual; dan dalam insiden Penerbangan MH370, sistem laporan datanya telah ditutup pada jam 01:07 pagi, diikuti dengan transponder (alat yang menghantar lokasi dan altitud) yang telah ditutup pada jam 01:21

Apa yang kekal membingungkan tentang kejadian ini, dari analisis GRU media arus perdana Amerika Syarikat dilihat masih belum menuntut plot radar dan imej satelit Lautan Hindi dan Laut China Selatan daripada rejim Obama. Hal ini disebabkan kepentingan kawasan ini di mana tentera AS melindungi keseluruhan kawasan di Diego Garcia kerana kawasan ini mempunyai kepentingan dari segi lorong udara dan perkapalan.

Adalah sangat menyedihkan dan laporan ini membuat suatu kesimpulan penting, Amerika Syarikat sebenarnya menyembunyikan fakta "kehilangan" Penerbangan MH370 kerana mereka juga sebenarnya telah berbuat demikian selepas peristiwa 11 September 2011 apabila rejim Bush "menghilangkan" penerbangan American Airlines Flight 77 yang membawa 64 penumpang dan anak kapal selepas secara palsu mendakwa ia akan menghentam Pentagon, tetapi kemudiannya telah disahkan oleh CNN perkara berkenaan tidak berlaku
Elias Hj Idris

Was Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 Redirected to Diego Garcia?

It has now become fairly evident that the disappearance of Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing is not accidental. In fact, there is a strong possibility that the flight was commandeered to the US military base at Diego Garcia in the Indian Ocean. A bizarre “extraordinary rendition“?
Please note that this article is being expanded and updated regularly. I have decided to keep all the information in one place, as opposed to having it scattered across several different posts. So do check back. Also note that some commentators have posted very insightful information.

Why did Flight 370 try to hide its whereabouts?

MH370 was a 777-200 service carrying 239 passenger and crew on a regular Kuala Lumpur to Beijing service. To recap, it left KL at 12.40 am, it disappeared as a commercial radar trace at 1.22 am close to the area where such radar visibility to the Malaysia air traffic control system drops off, and was never observed as entering Vietnam controlled air space on a path intended to cross that country to the South China Sea and continue past Hong Kong toward its destination. The transponders on Flight 370 was switched off immediately after it was outside the visibility of Malaysia’s air traffic control! To quote a poster GarageYears on a forum for professional pilots,
Turning off the transponder isn’t just a toggle or push-button, the switch is a rotary and you’d have to move it two positions to get it into the standby condition.
This could only have been done by a compromised crew, or by hijackers. To quote another forum member Tfor2,
1. It was a hi-jack (transponder turned off, no Mayday), and the plane was not under the control of the pilots. It flew to wherever was demanded, and something happened thereafter causing it to crash, probably from an effort to regain control (as with United 93 during events of 9/11). So it could be anywhere. An eye-witness will eventually come forward. 2. The most fearsome worry to come out of this is how come an aircraft can invade national territory without military or civil or satellite detection? This leaves a hole in the defense systems of all countries.
  To quote a professional A330 pilot,
I think the flight deck was compromised.
But that’s not the only sign that Flight 370 was trying to hide its whereabouts. Immediately after shutting off its transponders, Flight 370 made a U-turn and headed in the direction of Diego Garcia, crossing Malaysia in the process. If there indeed had been a massive technical failure, the crew would have tried to safely ditch the plane at sea, not return to Malaysia. And if there had been a cabin decompression, the plane would have slowly lost altitude, crashing into the Gulf of Thailand. Malaysia’s Air Force Chief General Rodzali Daud first raised the possibility that the plane had reversed course the very next day (9th March), and he was quoted by a Malay-language paper as saying the  jet had been tracked hundreds of miles from its intended flight path, over the  Strait of Malacca off western Malaysia, and up to 320 kilometres northwest of the  Malaysian state of Penang, after which it either disappeared or Malaysian radar lost capability to track it. It was clearly flying low, as if to avoid detection by radar.
After turning off its transponder, Flight 370 turned around and headed to the direction of Diego Garcia.
After turning off its transponder, Flight 370 turned around and headed to the direction of Diego Garcia.
General Daud’s statement was clearly not expected, as all the concerned governments were vigorously pedalling the notion that the plane was lost in the Gulf of Thailand, and all search and rescue efforts got misdirected to the plane’s intended route. The Communist Vietnamese government even produced some eyewitnesses that testified seeing a plane flying low off their coast. There were repeated attempts to identify any piece of floating debris in the vicinity as that of Flight 370. When mainstream media picked up General Daud’s very credible statement, he was pressured into retracting it, and has now issued a formal retraction. America’s biggest trading client, Communist China, also expressed irritation at the Malaysian government over the “confusion.” It is clear that such misdirection could not have been possible without the involvement of highly placed Malaysian officials. Nevertheless, General Daud’s statement has altered the direction of the search, which now focuses on the Andaman Sea, instead of the Gulf of Thailand. It seems there were desperate attempts to keep the search away from the West Coast of Malaysia. For example, an oil rig worker on the Vietnam coast claimed to have seen a fiery object, but the report later turned out to be untrue. To quote,


To quote another poster Frenchwalker on the same aforementioned forum,
Just to point out on some of the information provided by the Malaysian military last night around its last know position, more so around the fact the the aircraft descended to around 3000ft would this simply be to maintain Visual Flight Rules , cloud base in Kuala Lumpur usually sits between 3000ft and 10,000ft   this would indicate the the person in command certainly had control of the Aircraft
A possible flight path of Flight 370, from where it was last observed on radar in Penang, to Diego Garcia.
A possible flight path of Flight 370, from where it was last observed on radar in Penang, to Diego Garcia.
 If the plane was headed towards Diego Garcia (which is under eight hours of flying time from Kuala Lumpur), it would have been captured on Indonesian radars as well, and it was likely to have crossed over Indonesia. But unlike Malaysia, Indonesia is a defacto Globalist client state, and would immediately cover up such information. Australia also has a sophisticated radar network, but we haven’t heard from them either.   Apart from radar, there is also other “live” data associated with commercial aircraft, which is not being discussed. To quote another user of the forum Davionics,
Why has nobody confirmed/announced if there were any transmissions sent via SATCOM? Seems to be the elephant in the room – the media currently appears to have an unhealthy tunneled obsession with; radar, ads-b, voice comms, gps, black boxes, etc.   Surely ACARS and engine telemetry data could shine a good dose of light on this incredibly sad fiasco.   Many aircraft today also have Panasonic Avionics high-bandwidth eXconnect GCS (Global Communications Suite) to augment SATCOM.
Investigators have now confirmed that such live data indicated that the plane continued to fly even after its last radar contact. The just won’t tell us when the data transmissions ended (which would indicate when the flight landed). To quote,
Throughout the roughly four hours after the jet dropped from civilian radar screens, these people said, the link operated in a kind of standby mode and sought to establish contact with a satellite or satellites. These transmissions did not include data, they said, but the periodic contacts indicate to investigators that the plane was still intact and believed to be flying.   Investigators are still working to fully understand the information, according to one person briefed on the matter. The transmissions, this person said, were comparable to the plane “saying I’m here, I’m ready to send data.”
And there is still no word about the signals from monitoring systems embedded in the plane’s Rolls-Royce PLC engines, which would have stopped when the plane landed.   Diego Garcia is the strongest US military-air force base in the Indian Ocean. It served as a forwarding base in almost all American conflicts in the Gulf and in Afghanistan.  It was also a transit venue for the infamous “extraordinary renditions.” It possesses formidable radar capabilities, as well as several airstrips. And large hangars that can hide aircraft. To quote a commenter on a pilot’s website who believed the plane was in Diego Garcia,
My speculation is of this being a super-duper, super-extraordinary form of rendition.
And most important of all, Diego Garcia has a staff who follow a code of not asking too many questions and keeping their eyes wide shut. Unlike Malaysia, there are no General Dauds in Diego Garcia, who would blurt out what they saw on military radar.
Air Force One at Diego Garcia
Air Force One at Diego Garcia
An American aircraft carrier at Diego Garcia.
An American aircraft carrier at Diego Garcia.
American military aircraft at Diego Garcia.
American military aircraft at Diego Garcia.
Good Times?
Good Times?

Its Official: Diego Garcia is a Strong Possibility!

Assuming the plane landed, WNYC has produced a map showing all possible airports within the range of MH370, based on its last radar contact, and Diego Garcia is one of them!
The red dot on the extreme south-east is the Diego Garcia airport.
The Washington Post has published an infographic that puts Diego Garcia within four hours if its last known location, and they have taken the last known location as the place where the transponders switched off, not the place where military radars picked up the plane near Penang. If they had taken Penang as the last known location as far as radar is concerned, Diego Garcia would have probably been even closer.
Diego Garcia is now officially within four hours range of the place where the transponders shut off!
Diego Garcia is now officially within four hours range of the place where the transponders shut off!
All possibilities are being discussed, from the Gobi desert and Kazakhstan to Pakistan and Iran. Even though the geopolitics of the Indian subcontinent and the Indochina region has resulted in several nations carefully watching their radars for enemy aircraft on a fulltime basis. Somehow they all seemed to have missed the huge plane flying without a transponder identifying it. There is absolutely no mention of Diego Garcia, except for the Malaysian Transport minister, who claims he has no confirmation yet that it landed at Diego Garcia, even though his government is looking into “all possibilities.” A Pentagon official claims to believe that the plane crashed into the Andaman Sea, north of Diego Garcia (But obviously not at Diego Garcia).
Some conspiracy sleuths have also uncovered proof that no flights were scheduled for 3 days at Diego Garcia airport during the time MH370 went missing. All maintenance crew would likely have been on leave, so that the plane could be sneaked in undetected. On March 7th, the Facebook account of the Diego Garcia passenger terminal posted a notice that there would be no scheduled flights for the next 72 hours. This posting is still visible as of 11:38 AM 20th March 2014. The following is a screenshot.
No scheduled flights because a very important one is scheduled to come!
This little factoid was even tweeted about.
This was also posted to the wall of the US Navy Support Facility Diego Garcia because it concerned US Navy support crew in there. The same conspiracy sleuths insist that this post along with many other posts between March 6th and March 9th were deleted.

Why Malaysia?

The presence of a large number of Chinese passengers on board the doomed flight is being used to strain relations between Communist China and Malaysia, and it may contribute to a future deterioration of their relationship, resulting in increased justification of Chinese presence in the region, and maybe even future Chinese aggression. This may also help explain why a Malaysian plane was targeted, as opposed to an Indonesian plane (Indonesia is already in the hands of the Globalists, and therefore never gets any brinkmanship from Communist China, which is a creation of the Globalists).   Malaysia is probably the only country in the world whose recent leadership has openly criticized the IMF, Israel, the War on Terror and made claims that 9/11 was an Inside Job. Malaysia has a bustling economy, but the Globalists prefer plantation style economies, such as neighbouring Indonesia, which is completely under Globalist control. Since Malaysia cannot be subject to the so-called War on Terror unless they start openly supporting Al-Qaida, the only other alternative the Globalists have is to feed it to China, and the Panda will invite itself for lunch, Al-Qaida or not.   Mainstream media has repeatedly stressed at Chinese impatience with Malaysian “incompetence.” While it is true that the present mess would not have been possible unless many Malaysian officials were compromised, so were many officials of other governments involved in the search and rescue efforts. And despite such high level corruption, the deliberately concealed fact that the plane had reversed course and moved Westwards did come out, albeit in a muffled way. It is unlikely that such disclosure would have ever happened in any of the neighbouring Globalist-dominated countries.
Compared to Globalist dominated Indonesia, Malaysia has gotten away with prosperity. But for how long?
Compared to Globalist dominated Indonesia, Malaysia has gotten away with prosperity. But for how long?

Other Odd Ends

  • Initially there were reports of some passengers who did not board the plane, but then Malaysian authorities were forced to “retract” their statements. Passengers connected to the Global Elite usually receive advance warnings.
  • Flight 370 had 20 employees of Texas based Freescale Semiconductors. It is unclear whether or not the company counted the NSA among its clients. These 20 engineers were working on electronic warfare, and designing some kind of stealth plane invisible to radar! To quote Wikipedia on the company,
In the 1960s, one of the U. S. space program’s goals was to land a man on the moon and return him safely to Earth [Not Quite!]. In 1968, NASA began manned Apollo flights that led to the first lunar landing in July 1969. Apollo 11 was particularly significant for hundreds of employees involved in designing, testing and producing its electronics. A division of Motorola, which became Freescale Semiconductor, supplied thousands of semiconductor devices, ground-based tracking and checkout equipment, and 12 on-board tracking and communications units. An “up-data link” in the Apollo’s command module received signals from Earth to relay to other on-board systems. A transponder received and transmitted voice and television signals and scientific data.   [.......] and Motorola’s MPC5200 microprocessor deployed telematic systems for General Motors’ OnStar systems.   [.......] In addition, a recent ABI Research market study report states that Freescale owns 60% share of the Radio Frequency (RF) semiconductor device market.   [.......] Also in 2011, Freescale announced the company’s first magnetometer for location tracking in smart mobile devices.
  • Confirmation of Iranian passengers travelling on false European passports. While they have been ruled out as hijackers, the Powers That Be sometimes do use Iranians for dirty work. There was also an attempt to portray them as favourably as possible.
  • If a missile destroyed Flight 370, the missile would have left a radar signature (Thanks to Mike Adams).
  • Boeing 777 commercial jets are equipped with black box recorders that can survive any on-board explosion, and they transmit locator signals for at least 30 days after falling into the ocean (Thanks to Mike Adams).
  • Many parts of destroyed aircraft are naturally bouyant and will float in water (Thanks to Mike Adams), and would have been noticed if there was a crash at sea.
  • Some relatives of passengers claim that calls placed to their cellphones are ringing! Passenger social media accounts on the Chinese social media QQ site show the passengers to be online!
  • Conspiracy Forums are abuzz with rumours of the plane being diverted to Diego Garcia.
  • America has jumped into the investigation, subtly suggesting that the captain went mad (The Iranians don’t seem to interest them). But that’s what they said about EgyptAir Flight 990, which was returning to Egypt with more than 30 military officers who had trained in America. They are mum about the radars at Diego Garcia picking up anything unusual.
  • The lyrics of Get It Started, a song produced by American rapper Pitbull (released 25th June 2012) have gained notoriety among the conspiracy crowd as having contained allegories to the plane’s disappearance. The music video is creepy, and shows people being watched and followed, as if some kind of intelligence operation is going on. The lyrics in question are: No Ali, no Frasier, but for now it’s off to Malaysia/ Two passports, three cities, two countries, one day/Now that’s worldwide, if you think it’s a game, let’s play, dale. The two Iranian men who boarded the plane using fake passports had purchased their tickets from a mysterious Iranian named Ali. According to those who are reading into this,  the two passports refers to the two men who boarded the plane using two stolen passports. The three cities might be Kuala Lumpur Beijing and…….. (hold your breath) maybe a city on the American East Coast where the plane was ultimately flown to (see next section). The two countries may be Malaysia and China, and it is clear that the whole operation was meant to create a serious rift between the two. The plane had indeed flown “worldwide” in a short span of time, and had the rift between Malaysia and China deepened, the consequences would have also been “worldwide.” Yes, we do think its a game dale, so lets play! Are the lines I am what they thought I’d never become….I went from eviction to food stamps a reference to “food-stamp” President Obama and his dark transformation?
  • Two “ex-Navy SEALS” SEALs have been found dead aboard the American ship Maersk Alabama in Seychelles, not far from Diego Garcia. It is unclear if this incident is related.
  • British satellite firm Immarsat claimed that it was picking up hourly pings from MH370 up to 7.5 hours after take off.
  • The pilot was, or claimed to be a fanatical supporter of Malaysian opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim. He even attended Anwar’s trial just before flying. Anwar was being tried for sodomy. Anwar Ibrahim was an opponent of Mahathir Mohammad, and the latter was quoted as saying “He [Anwar] would make a good Prime Minister of Israel.” The Diego Garcia runway was later found among his favourite five runways in a flight simulator he used at home!
  • Airport security camera photographs of the two men travelling on fake passports have been shooped! The younger man (left) was identified as Pouiria Nur Mohammad Mehrdad, 19, said by police in Malaysia to be an Iranian asylum seeker on his way to Germany to meet his mother. The older man (right) remains unknown. But this still does not explain why the legs (and bag) of the older guy were shooped onto Mehrdad’s torso. There are also many other discrepancies in the passenger list, such as people who were reported to be on the flight now claiming to be at home.
Watch those legs and bag!
Watch those legs and bag!

From Diego Garcia to Where?

If suppose we are to assume that the plane was indeed diverted to Diego Garcia, it is reasonable to assume that the plane and its passengers would not be kept there indefinitely. If we are to follow the logic of some devoted conspiracy theorists who are pursuing this on other forums, the plane and its passengers would be flown to the Eastern mainland of the United States, over the Atlantic Ocean to escape scrutiny (and comparatively less distance than the other way around). Of course, the plane’s livery would be painted over. The plane’s wreckage would later be carefully deposited by (presumably by air) on a location far away from Diego Garcia. But why are we discussing this here? Because the same devoted conspiracy theorists who are pursuing this on other forums have pointed out that four days after the disappearance of MH370, a curious military exercise took place on the Southern-Eastern part of the United States coastline. Fighter jets were reportedly “escorting” a plane. To quote,
Members of the South Carolina Air National Guard are conducting an air defense exercise along the coast. Guard Senior Master Sergeant Edward Snyder says people might see fighter jets escorting a civilian aircraft Thursday over the North Charleston and Myrtle Beach areas.
Add to that, there is historical precedent suggesting that some very suspicious crashes at sea may have been more than just crashes. The following are some well known examples.
  • In 1983, KAL007 was headed to South Korea, with an American Congressman on board. The Congressman was on a mission to warn the South Korean leadership that the United States government had been compromised by the Soviets. The plane disappeared at sea. After the fall of the Soviet Union, there was some evidence that the Congressman was imprisoned in a gulag. The United States government didn’t seem to have a problem with this arrangement.
  • The 1998 crash of SWR111 in Canadian territorial waters. The plane was carrying diamonds, rubies, emeralds and other gems in its cargo hold, which were worth half a billion dollars. They were being transferred from a bank in America to a bank in Switzerland. None of these were ever recovered. It is possible that the plane was diverted to a Canadian airport. Also on board was Saudi prince Al-Saud Bandar, one of the richest men in the world. Only 60 No bodies were recovered.
  • The 2009 crash of AF447 in the Atlantic Ocean.

Update: A Tentative Theory of What’s Going on….

The most unusual aspect of this case is that the plane has mysteriously vanished, and the Powers That Be are well aware that such a scenario raises more questions than answers. It could be possible that The Powers That Be arranged to have the “wreckage” deposited along the plane’s intended route, diverting attention away from Diego Garcia. But in an unprecedented turn of events, Malaysian authorities started focusing on the Indian Ocean, with good reason. Therefore the Powers That Be are suddenly faced with the challenge of depositing another “wreckage,” in the Indian Ocean, in such a short period of time, in an area now subject to global scrutiny, and again, away from Diego Garcia. And therefore the unusual delay in presenting the wreckage.
The other alternative is that there was never intended to be any wreckage, and like another plane that vanished in Angola, the plane may be used in a future nuclear 9/11 to kickstart Globalist wars. Even if this is the case, the plane would still be diverted to Diego Garcia, and “retrofitted” in USA, because Iran simply lacks the technical knowhow.