Elias Hj Idris
Oleh: Ustaz Mohd Hanif Salleh

Dalam solat perlu ada toma'ninah... solatlah dengan ikhlas apabila di waktu solat itu la peluang untuk kita "berbicara" dengan Allah. Kalau dengan VIP kita boleh persiapkn diri kita dari a - z, takkan dengan Allah swt, tuan empunya alam pun kita tak boleh buat dengan elok.

Ada yang bertanya kepada saya tentang solat sunat tarawih sebanyak 23 rakaat termasuk witir yang dilakukan selama 7 minit sahaja di sebuah pesanteren Indonesia, maka jawapan saya adalah seperti berikut:

Tuma’ninah dalam setiap gerakan rukun solat merupakan bahagian penting dalam solat yang wajib dilakukan. Jika tidak tuma'ninah maka solatnya tidak sah. Dalil yang menunjukkan wajibnya tuma'ninah:

*Suatu ketika ada seseorang yang masuk ke dalam masjid kemudian solat dua rakaat. Seusai solat, orang ini menghampiri Nabi shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam yang ketika itu berada di masjid dan memberi salam lalu dijawab oleh Baginda Nabi. Kemudian Nabi menyuruh orang itu untuk mengulangi solatnya. Setelah diulangi, orang itu datang lagi, dan disuruh mengulangi solatnya lagi oleh Baginda Nabi. Ini berlaku sampai 3 kali. kemudian Nabi shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam mengajarkan kepadanya cara solat yang betul. Ternyata masalah utama yang menyebabkan solatnya dinilai batal adalah kerana dia tidak tuma'ninah. Dia bergerak rukuk dan sujud terlalu cepat. (HR. Bukhari,Muslim,Ibn Majah dan yang lainnya).

Dari Hudzaifah radhiyallahu ‘anhu bahwa beliau pernah melihat ada orang yang tidak menyempurnakan rukuk dan sujud ketika solat, dan terlalu cepat. Setelah selesai, ditegur oleh Hudzaifah, “Sudah berapa lama kamu solat seperti ini?” Orang itu menjawab: “40 tahun.” Hudzaifah mengatakan: “Engkau tidak dihitung solat selama 40 tahun.” (kerana solatnya batal). Seterusnya Hudzaifah berkata:

وَلَوْ مِتَّ وَأَنْتَ تُصَلِّي هَذِهِ الصَّلَاةَ لَمِتَّ عَلَى غَيْرِ فِطْرَةِ مُحَمَّدٍ صَلَّى اللهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ
“Jika kamu mati dan cara solatmu masih seperti ini, maka engkau mati bukan di atas fitrah (ajaran) Nabi Muhammad shallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam.” (HR. Ahmad, Bukhari, An-Nasai).

Orang yang terlalu cepat solatnya, sehingga tidak tuma’ninah,Nabi shallallahu‘alaihi wa sallam menyebutnya sebagai orang yang mencuri ketika solat. Nabi shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam bersabda:

أسوأ الناس سرقة الذي يسرق من صلاته
“Pencuri yang paling buruk adalah orang yang mencuri dalam solatnya.” Setelah ditanya maksudnya, Baginda menjawab: “Merekalah orang yang tidak sempurna rukuk dan sujudnya.” (HR. Ibn Abi Syaibah, Thabrani, Hakim dan Ad-Dzahabi).

Suatu ketika, Rasulullah shallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam melihat orang solat yang tidak menyempurnakan rukuknya dan seperti mematuk ketika sujud. Kemudian Baginda bersabda:

أَتَرَوْنَ هَذَا، مَنْ مَاتَ عَلَى هَذَا مَاتَ عَلَى غَيْرِ مِلَّةِ مُحَمَّدٍ، يَنْقُرُ صَلَاتَهُكَمَا يَنْقُرُ الْغُرَابُ الدَّمَ
“Tahukah kamu orang ini. Siapa yang meninggal dengan keadaan (solatnya) seperti ini maka dia mati di atas selain agama Muhammad. Dia mematuk dalam solatnya sebagaimana burung gagak mematuk darah.” (HR. Ibnu Khuzaimah: Sanadnya hasan).

Abu Hurairah radliallahu ‘anhu mengatakan:
"Baginda melarangku sujud dengan cepat seperti ayam mematuk, duduk seperti duduknya anjing, dan menoleh-noleh seperti rusa." (HR.Ahmad 8106)

Yang dimaksud mematuk dalam hadis di atas adalah melakukan sujud terlalu cepat dan tidak tuma’ninah. Padahal semua hadis di atas, menunjukkan wajibnya tuma’ninah, dan orang yang solat dengan tidak tuma’ninah maka solatnya batal.
Nabi shallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam bersabda:
“Jika kamu hendak mengerjakan solat maka bertakbirlah, lalu bacalah ayat al-Quran yang mudah bagi kamu. Kemudian rukuklah sampai benar-benar rukuk dengan tuma'ninah, lalu bangkitlah (dari rukuk) hingga kamu berdiri tegak, setelah itu sujudlah sampai benar-benar sujud dengan tuma'ninah, lalu angkat (kepalamu) untuk duduk sampai benar-benar duduk dengan tuma'ninah, setelah itu sujudlah sampai benar-benar sujud, kemudian lakukan seperti itu pada seluruh solatmu” (HR Bukhari 757 dan Muslim 397 dari sahabat Abu Hurairah)

Para ulama mengambil kesimpulan dari hadis ini bahwa orang yang ruku’ dan sujud namun tulangnya belum lurus, maka solatnya tidak sah dan dia wajib mengulanginya, sebagaimana Nabi shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam yang berkata kepada seorang yang cara solatnya salah ini, “Ulangi solatmu, seseungguhnya kamu belum lagi solat".

Rasulullah bersabda: “Wahai kaum muslimin, tidak ada solat bagi mereka yang tidak menegakkan punggungnya ketika ruku’ dan sujud’” (HR Ahmad 16297, Ibnu Majah 871)

Hadis yang diriwayatkan oleh Imam Ahmad dan selainnya dari sahabat Thalaq bin Aliradhiallahu ‘anhu, beliau mengatakan, Rasulullah shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam pernah bersabda:

لَا يَنْظُرُ اللَّهُ عَزَّ وَجَلَّ إِلَى صَلَاةِ عَبْدٍ لَا يُقِيمُ فِيهَا صُلْبَهُ بَيْنَ رُكُوعِهَا وَسُجُودِهَا
“Allah tidak akan melihat seorang hamba yang tidak meluruskan tulang punggungnya ketika ruku’ dan sujud” (HR Ahmad 16283)

Imam Muslim meriwayatkan dalam Sohih Muslim dari Aisyah radhiallahu 'anha, beliau berkata “Dahulu Rasulullah shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam kalau Baginda bangkit dari ruku’, beliau tidak turun sujud sampai benar-benar berdiri. Apabila Baginda bangkit dari sujud, Baginda tidak sujud kembali sampai benar-benar duduk dengan tegak” (Diriwayatkan oleh Imam Muslim dalam Sohih Muslim 498).
Nabi Shallallahu alaihi wassalam bersabda:

صلوا كما رأيتمونى أصلى
“Bersolatlah kamu sebagaimana kamu melihat daku bersolat” -Bukhari.

Ahad @12 Ramadhan 1436H.
Elias Hj Idris
Jho Low had grabbed one of Rosmah’s pink Birkin bags and stuffed it full of her diamonds, before making-off back to Hong Kong, we could be pretty sure Interpol would have been instantly alerted.
If he then returned and hung around in KL – well he would surely be dead meat?

So, how can we explain the astonishing news that this chap has been sighted heading into KL over the weekend?

Sources have informed Sarawak Report that he even headed to the scene of the crime, which is the home of the PM and his wife.

By this we do not mean the scene of the make-believe diamond heist, but of the actual billion dollar plus 1MDB heist that has been making solid headlines for the past month and more.

Rosmah’s $200,000 Birkin Bag

The PM’s house is the scene of the crime, because we all now know that Najib Razak is the man in direct charge of 1MDB and the only shareholder and signatory on the fund’s investments.

In other words, Najib has sole, commanding responsibility for how the fund is managed and all the other executives are merely his functionaries, obeying orders.

We also know that Najib had privately entrusted Jho Low to be his informal delegate at the fund, managing much of 1MDB’s investment activity – because a huge body of documentation and emails show this to be the case.

Jho Low conducted this business through regular email and BBM contacts with 1MDB and PetroSaudi executives and he had also made frequent visits to Najib’s home to discuss 1MDB related matters.

We know all this because Sarawak Reports has released a good number of those communications and no one has formally denied their authenticity.

Yet, as all Malaysia also knows and again no one has dared to deny, USD$1.19 billion at least of 1MDB’s investment money was siphoned out of the fund directly into a company account controlled by Jho Low in Switzerland.

That account was the RBS Coutts, Zurich account of Good Star Limited, based in the Seychelles and Cayman Isands.

Beyond even all this, we further all know that between June 2011 and September 2013, USD$529 million was then transferred from this Coutts, Zurich account into an account that was beneficially owned by Jho Low at BSI Bank in Singapore, called Abu Dhabi-Kuwait-Malaysia Investment Corporation:

As revealed by SR last month – Singapore investigators have identified the transfers and notified the Malaysian authorities

This has all been revealed by Sarawak Report in the course of the last month, some time after the Malaysian authorities had also been widely notified of the fact.

So, surely, in the same way that Najib would have acted to avenge a theft against his wife, he would also have acted to demand satisfaction against Jho Low for stealing this huge sum of public money that he, the Prime Minister himself, was entrusted to invest on behalf of the Malaysian public?

Theft under false pretences

PetroSaudi Director Patrick Mahony

How 1MDB’s billions ended up in Jho Low’s accounts is now understood in forensic detail, thanks to numerous documents obtained and released by Sarawak Report, which nobody has seriously denied.
Indeed, a number of investigations have been launched, which have corroborated our findings and increased the official knowledge about exactly what happened.

What the world is now aware of is that in 2009 Najib Razak personally sanctioned a huge joint venture investment into a little known oil company called PetroSaudi, which was run by a young man with good connections with the then Saudi Royal Family, Tarek Obaid.

The entire transaction was organised and closely managed by Jho Low from behind the scenes.

Co-conspirator, PetroSaudi shareholder Tarek Obaid

For reasons that are hard to explain, the PM cum Finance Minister agreed to an arrangement as part of the deal that involved paying back a USD$700 million loan, purportedly owed by the joint venture partner to its own parent company.

This was a loan which had been raised just three days before the signing of the deal.
The $700 million was duly paid by 1MDB.

Except that the account this money was sent to had nothing to do with the supposed beneficiary PetroSaudi, rather it belonged to the company Good Star, which is controlled by Jho Low.

Since 1MDB under no circumstances had agreed to pay Jho Low this money and since the money had been declared as belonging to the joint venture, there is no question but that the vast sum had been utterly misappropriated.

We have pointed out that PetroSaudi made no complaint about its failure to receive this money which was supposedly owed, heavily suggesting that it was complicit in a deception at the very heart of this so-called Joint Venture.

Indeed PetroSaudi Director Patrick Mahony had written to Jho Low to say the company would be happy to “act as a front” for deals by him in return for their share in the investment of Malaysia’s development money.

False reporting

Sarawak Report has now obtained evidence that none of these shenanigans were ever reported to the authorities.

As we detailed last month, documents from the Malaysian regulatory authorities show that 1MDB had in fact declared to the Bank Negara Malaysia that the entire original $1 billion investment by 1MDB had gone into the joint venture.

That is to say, it had made no mention to the Malaysian banking regulators of its ‘repayment’ of any $700 million ‘loan’ at all – let alone that it went to the wrong company.

Only $300 million was actually transferred to the JV, the rest went to Good Star's Coutts, Zurich account (code names redacted).

Investigators have identified the discrepancy between where 1MDB told the regulators the money went and where it actually went! (code names redacted).

Further plundering of 1MDB by Jho Low

And of course there were other subsequent diversions of huge sums of money along similar lines.
Another USD$500 million was raised for PetroSaudi in 2010 under a so-called Muharabah loan agreement, of which USD$160 million went to the same Good Star account as before.

Beneficiary of the UBG buy out using 1MDB money – Taib and new wife

Out of the remaining $340 million that did initially go to PetroSaudi, our researches have shown that USD$260 million was sent on to Javace Sdn Bhd, a subsidiary of the company PetroSaudi Seychelles, which used the money to buy out the Taib family’s UBG group.

We have shown that while PetroSaudi Seychelles deliberately shares an almost identical name to PetroSaudi International itself, it has nothing to do with the joint venture company.

PetroSaudi Seychelles was in fact another sister company of Good Star and was being managed by an outfit called Panama Investment Company, which like Good Star was controlled by Jho Low through his deputy Li Lin Seet.

Using 1MDB money to buy out UBG was very beneficial personally to Jho Low, of course, since he was heading up a major share in the company and was a member of the UBG Board.

Low had even placed a key executive from UBG, the Investment Manager Nik Faisal Arif Kamil, into pole position as the Investment Officer at 1MDB to manage the whole transaction.

The parties to this transaction coded their emails under the anonymous title Project Uganda, on instructions by Jho Low, specifically to avoid accusations of “insider trading”.

This is clearly because Jho Low realised that insider trading was exactly what was going on, at the expense of the public’s money.

"KINDLY DO NOT STATE any reference to persons, or people’s names in reply to e-mails due to sensitivities in UBG Bhd deal and “insider trading” issues, etc” – Jho Low institutes code name Project Uganda

All this outrageous deceit has been detailed by Sarawak Report in a number of articles over the past few weeks, which have in turn been corroborated by further information and other news reports by the Malaysian press.

None of it has been denied, save for a few details picked up and angrily refuted here and there, in such a way that it only further confirms that the substance of our reports has been correct.

The regulatory authorities at the Bank Negara Malaysia were told all the original 1 billion of 1MDB's money was being spent by the JV on investments that would bring 'direct foreign investment' into Malaysia. In fact $700 million went straight to Jho Low's company.

No mention of a $700 million loan repayment – these excerpts from the official reports show the regulatory authorities at the Bank Negara Malaysia were told all the original USD$1 billion of 1MDB’s money was being spent by the JV on investments that would bring ‘direct foreign investment’ into Malaysia. In fact the $700 million went straight to Jho Low’s company account at Good Star.

The investigations by Malaysia’s financial regulators make plain that 1MDB’s official applications to transfer these huge sums abroad were made on a very different basis to the actual purpose to which the money was put.

The bulk of this USD$500 million dollar ‘loan’ to PetroSaudi was in fact diverted to the UBG purchase and to Good Star LImited

On top of these two scandalous scams, Sarawak Report has also reported on a third major tranche of money that went to Good Star in 2011.

This was a USD$330 million transfer from 1MDB that we have reported went in four separate payments straight into the same Good Star account.

Yet, 1MDB had again told the regulators that the money was all for PetroSaudi’s 1MDB related investments.

The money did not go to 1MDB BVI, it went to Jho Low's Good Star and to the buy out of UBG.
Investigation document – The money did not go to 1MDB BVI, it went to Jho Low’s Good Star and to the buy out of UBG.

It is therefore patently clear there was a massive purloining of public funds and that the authorities were not informed about the true destination of the money.

This was clearly a criminal deception and certainly the major initial beneficiary appears to have been Jho Low.

So, we ask again, why has a warrant not been issued at the behest of an incensed Prime Minister, for whom after all Jho Low was acting as a fixer with regard to all these deals?

It is possible that Mr Low has some excuses to provide and that his subsequent orgy of multi-million dollar partying and purchases bore no relation to 1MDB’s money.

But, questioned he must be and under oath.
Yet nothing has been done to arrest Jho Low… to the extent that the miscreant was actually in KL and purportedly visiting the PM and his wife last weekend!

Cover up or worse?

The Prime Minister could hardly have remained unaware all these years that something was dreadfully wrong at 1MDB, given he was in charge of it and the sole shareholder and signatory for investments?

The fund is horrendously in debt to the tune of billions after all.

Critics have established that following the PetroSaudi debacle and a series of other similar showcase investments (all equally masterminded by Jho Low behind the scenes) at least USD$15 billion appears to have mysteriously vanished.

Not amused – Najib has tried to deflect his critic by accusing him of doing the same things...

Given that we know that the vast majority of the fund’s initial joint venture money simply disappeared into Jho Low’s Good Star account, it leaves valid questions about the disappearance of the rest of the money, as the former MP Dr Mahathir has been trenchantly pointing out.

Yet for several years the troubled fund has struggled to conceal this fact and the huge loses it has incurred.

Exasperated analysts have noted that the fund’s constantly belated accounts, for example, have been exceedingly opaque. No less than three sets of accountants have come and gone in the five year period.

One can only conclude therefore that the boss, the PM/FM has been struggling to cover up the major losses caused by the rash decisions or worse made at 1MDB.

After all the fund is billions in the red and struggling to head off its creditors – so he has to have known that the money has disappeared.

1MDB has been moving around spurious bits of paper ever since the Good Star heist, in an attempt to make out that it retrieved all the money it lost on the PetroSaudi deal.

However the truth is that it has not retrieved the money.
Finally Najib has admitted there is no cash in the bank.

In the face of overwhelming evidence and the decision by banks to withdraw their loans the Finance Ministry has now admitted there is no cash in the BSI Singapore account, where Najib had alleged the PetroSaudi joint venture money had ended up.

Remember, even as late as January of this year Najib was still attempting to paint a healthy picture of 1MDB, with a view to launching an IPO and persuading the public to invest their good money after the bad and bail out the empty fund.

To engage in such a cover up and series of deceptions is only to make a very bad situation even worse.

In the latest manoeuvre the PM even stooped so low as to attempt to get the Tabung Haji fund to buy out 1MDB land (given it for practically free by his own Finance Ministry) at a grotesquely inflated price.

This was plainly a disgusting attempt to steal from the faithful and public outcry caused the PM to retract from the deal.

Making tough decisions or just running away? PM Najib Razak

So why these desperate measures? Why not just arrest Jho Low instead?

Clearly, one reason is that the Prime Minister does not want to acknowledge his mistake in appointing Jho Low as a secret and unofficial back room operator on his behalf and his lies over later denying he had – or could it be something worse, was Najib complicit in the theft?

Are Rosmah’s diamonds 1MDB funded?

Either way the PM has evidently decided that he cannot openly admit to Jho Low’s crimes and expect to remain in power – about which he is absolutely right.

So, he has adopted the attitude that he can ignore 1MDB’s losses as long as he can find a way of paying it all back – out of the public purse of course.

Najib has been making the point that other funds have also lost money and the government has bailed them out and he tries to imply there is no difference in this case.

But, of course there is a difference.
If Jho Low had stolen Rosmah’s diamonds and her Birkin bag would Najib get away with telling her he would buy her a complete replacement and they could put a loan on the children to pay it all back at a later date?

He would not. So why should Malaysia put up with the bill for this enormous theft without seeking out the perpetrator and demanding satisfaction?

Jho Low has already made clear that he intends to lay blame where it belongs, if caught, which is on his “Big Boss”, the Prime Minister, who (he was the first to point out) has made all the decisions as 1MDB’s sold shareholder has signed off all the payments.

So, Malaysians can draw their own conclusions as to why he is still walking free in KL.
If Jho Low had grabbed one of Rosmah's pink Birkin bags and stuffed it full of her diamonds, before making-off back to Hong Kong, we could be pretty sure Interpol would have been instantly alerted…
sarawakreport.org|By Sarawak Report
Elias Hj Idris
True Story: Asal keturunan mereka ini adalah Cina komunis yang membunuh ramai Melayu selepas pengunduran Jepun dari Tanah Melayu pada Jun 1945.

I have decided to quit DAP. The content of the letter has been emailed to DAP but I have yet to receive any reply. In order for the party higher-up to read my view, I have decided to publish this letter of withdrawal.

I have initially influenced by the political speech of Tony Pua to join DAP. During the 505 general election I have volunteered to be a supervisor of PACABA.

During that time I felt that DAP leaders are great, the party’s ideology can rule the country and I give my full support.

After the rocket vs moon controversy, I am deeply disappointed by the political wisdom of DAP. The party is no longer the one that I supported initially. Not everyone is the Tony Pua whom I respect and admire.

My reasons of quitting the party are listed below:

1.  Bad political image

I do not rule out the one-sided report by media. But front-liner leaders like Lim Kit Siang and Lim Guan Eng are getting more arrogant. The news is not without basis.
For instance in the recent case of splitting with PAS, I do not agree with DAP’s stance of adding fuel to the fire. Co-operating and splitting are normal in politics. Consolidating Pakatan Rakyat with political wisdom to have an integrated Malaysia should be the priority.
Unfortunately at this critical time, regardless of performance of DAP leaders from East Malaysia or West Malaysia, I only see the sea of fire but not the maturity of careful consideration. How such leaders can rule a country?

2.  Poor political EQ

Hadi Awang said three leaders of Pakatan Rakyat each has his agenda. This is common knowledge. The common objective of Pakatan Rakyat is to oppose hegemony and corruption. Seeking common points in differences is the best platform proposed by PAS. But DAP is of the view that you are either my friend or my enemy for having different dreams and opt to lash out against PAS before its muktamar without any reservation. Such hostile and unfriendly acts are equivalent to using action to severe ties. At PAS muktamar, if the conservative group can stomach such humiliation then they are useless. Hence PAS announced to severe ties with DAP. One can’t be a lone ranger. This does not happen overnight.

DAP is accountable for causing Pakatan Rakyat to collapse. How does such party handle greater national issues and conflicts in future?

3.  Low political capability

I agree with DAP’s strong opposition on implementation of hudud law. But after opposition, are there any negotiation, accommodation and understanding? Prior to the collaboration of Pakatan Rakyat everyone is clear about PAS’ agenda. This is a time bomb out in open. Now that the bomb has exploded. DAP does not find an alternative solution. This let me suspect that: 1. Right from beginning DAP has known it but proceeded to the collaboration to fish votes. 2. I am disappointed by DAP’s political capabilities. It is undisputable that Hadi and Umno are eyeing at each other. While the relationship is strained, DAP proposes new Pakatan Rakyat concept. This does not only end the hope and future of Pakatan Rakyat but may even merge Umno and PAS. I can’t believe such short-sighted remarks come from higher-up of DAP.

4.   Bad political culture

The culture of fighter type of fierce criticism and blunt remarks are deep-rooted among DAP senior leaders. This leads to increasing number of DAP supporters behaving like political rioters on cyberspace, telling off those who criticise DAP. If you sit in a coffee shop in a small town, you would discover many down to earth uncles are unhappy with the behaviour of DAP leaders. I am of the view that DAP leaders at the front line do not have good model of political culture and some of the party leaders and members are arrogant and carry bad attitude. Take a famous quote of MCA: the fish head is rotten. Where is the path to change government?

As the momentum of 505 has frizzled out, that would be the real challenge of Pakatan Rakyat. I wish that when you delete my name from the member’s list you would also take a serious view on the four points that I have raised.

Thank you.

Lim Han Long


Diterjemah dari SinChew

Saya telah membuat keputusan untuk berhenti dari DAP. Kandungan surat saya ini telah dihantar melalui e-mel kepada DAP namun sehingga kini masih belum menerima sebarang maklumbalas. Dalam usaha untuk mendapatkan perhatian dari mereka yang lebih tinggi di dalam parti untuk membaca pandangan saya ini maka saya telah memutuskan untuk menerbitkan surat ini.
Saya pada mulanya tertarik dengan ucapan politik Tony Pua lalu menyertai DAP. Malah pada pilihan raya umum “505” yang lalu, saya telah menawarkan diri untuk menjadi penyelia PACABA.

Pada masa itu saya merasakan bahawa pemimpin-pemimpin DAP adalah hebat, ideologi parti itu boleh terpakai untuk memerintah negara ini lalu saya memberikan sokongan penuh saya.
Selepas kontroversi roket vs. bulan, saya mula kecewa dengan kebijakan politik DAP. Ianya bukan lagi seperti parti yang saya dokongi sewaktu awal-awal dahulu. Bukan semua orang adalah seperti Tony Pua yang saya hormati dan kagumi.

Sebab saya keluar dari parti adalah seperti berikut:

1. Imej Politik Yang Buruk
Saya tidak menolak hakikat bahawa laporan media sememangnya berat sebelah. Namun demikian pemimpin tertinggi seperti Lim Kit Siang dan Lim Guan Eng juga telah menjadi semakin angkuh. Hakikat ini bukanlah tanpa asasnya.

Sebagai contohnya dalam kes untuk berpisah dari PAS baru-baru ini, saya tidak bersetuju dengan pendirian DAP yang sebenarnya menambah lebih banyak minyak ke dalam api. Bekerjasama dan berpisah adalah sesuatu yang lazim dalam politik. Kesatuan Pakatan Rakyat yang mengutamakan kebijakan politik untuk menjadikan Malaysia lebih berintegrasi sepatutnya menjadi satu keutamaan.
Malangnya pada masa-masa kritikal seperti ini, tanpa mengambil kira prestasi pemimpin DAP dari Malaysia Timur atau Malaysia Barat, apa yang saya lihat hanyalah lautan api dan bukannya ketelitian pertimbangan yang dibuat secara matang. Bagaimanakah pemimpin seperti itu kelak memerintah negara?

2. EQ Politik yang Lemah

Hadi Awang berkata ketiga-tiga pemimpin Pakatan Rakyat masing-masing mempunyai agenda mereka sendiri. Ini adalah sesuatu yang masyarakat sedia maklum sebenarnya. Objektif umum Pakatan Rakyat adalah untuk menentang hegemoni dan rasuah. Cadangan PAS agar mencari titik persamaan dalam perbezaan sebenarnya adalah platform yang terbaik. Namun DAP terus mengambil sikap “sama ada anda rakan saya atau musuh saya” di atas perbezaan impian di antara parti lalu memilih untuk menyerang PAS sebelum muktamar. Tindakan untuk bermusuhan dan bersengketa bolehlah disamakan dengan tindakan untuk memutuskan kerjasama. Sekiranya kumpulan konservatif di dalam muktamar PAS hanya menerima penghinaan itu tanpa sebarang tindakbalas maka pastilah mereka ini adalah golongan yang tidak berguna. Maka terjadilah pengumuman PAS untuk memutuskan hubungan dengan DAP. Seseorang tidak boleh terus menerus berlagak seperti Lone Ranger. Sesungguhnya pa yang berlangsung ketika ini tidaklah berlaku dalam sekelip mata.
DAP bertanggungjawab kerana menyebabkan Pakatan Rakyat runtuh. Jadi bagaimanakah pihak itu menangani isu-isu nasional yang lebih besar dan konflik pada masa akan datang?

3. Keupayaan Politik Yang Rendah

Saya bersetuju dengan bantahan kuat DAP terhadap pelaksanaan undang-undang hudud. Tetapi selepas membantah, apakah wujud rundingan, penerimaan dan pemahaman? Sebelum kerjasama Pakatan Rakyat wujud, semua orang jelas tentang agenda PAS. Ini adalah bom masa yang cuma menunggu untuk meletup. Sekarang bom ini telah meletup. DAP tidak pula mencari penyelesaian alternatif. Maka bolehlah saya andaikan bahawa:

1. DAP telah mengetahuinya sejak dari mula lagi tetapi tetap meneruskan kerjasama untuk memancing undi.

2. Saya kecewa dengan keupayaan politik DAP. Tidak disangkal bahawa Hadi dan Umno saling mengintai peluang kerjasama di antara satu sama lain. Di dalam suasana hubungan yang tegang, DAP terus mencadangkan konsep baru Pakatan Rakyat. Ianya bukan sahaja menamatkan harapan dan masa depan Pakatan Rakyat malah memungkinkan penggabungan Umno dan PAS. Saya sama sekali tidak menyangka bahawa pimpinan tertinggi DAP sebegitu pendek akal.

4. Budaya Politik Yang Buruk

Budaya berseteru dengan menggunakan kritikan-kritikan keras dan membuat kenyataan melulu sudah berakar umbi di kalangan pemimpin kanan DAP. Ianya seperti menggalakkan penyokong DAP untuk bersikap seperti perusuh politik di ruang siber, menghentam sesiapa sahaja yang mengkritik DAP. Jika anda duduk di kedai-kedai kopi di bandar-bandar kecil maka anda akan bertemu dengan golongan tua yang amat tidak berpuas hati dengan gelagat pemimpin-pemimpin DAP. Saya berpendapat pemimpin-pemimpin DAP di barisan hadapan tidak mempunyai model budaya politik yang baik dan ada pula pemimpin parti dan ahli-ahli yang angkuh dan bersikap buruk. Mengambil pepatah terkenal MCA: kepala ikan sudah busuk. Maka di manakah jalan untuk menukar kerajaan?
Dengan momentum 505 yang telah pudar maka itulah cabaran sebenar kepada Pakatan Rakyat. Saya berharap apabila anda memadamkan nama saya daripada senarai ahli, anda akan mengambil perhatian serius terhadap empat komen khusus yang telah saya bangkitkan.

Terima Kasih

Lim Han Long
Elias Hj Idris
Dr Mahathir Mohamed, who held the office of Prime Minister for 22 years between 16 July 1981 and 31 October 2003, gave a wide-ranging interview which was published by the Asian Sentinel recently.

Here are 6 things we learnt from it.
(1) Anwar’s sacking was not due to a political conspiracy.
No. According to Mahathir, Anwar’s downfall was purely down to his homosexuality.

“Different people have different cultures,” he says. “In the West, what he does is normal.”
“In our society, that is not acceptable,” Mahathir explains.

Pointing out that Malaysia’s perception of what is criminal and what is not differs from the West, Mahathir adds, “It is our perception in this country that matters to us.”
“We cannot have a person like that (as a leader), with no moral values.”

(2) Mahathir struggled to cope with retirement.
Asked how he coped with retirement, Mahathir said, “It was very unsettling because you move away from a position of power to being just an ordinary person.”
“I thought I would relax, write my memoirs, things like that.”
“It was a little bit depressing.”

(3) Mahathir craved, but never got, ‘elder statesman’ status.
“I didn’t expect such bad treatment by the new prime minister, who basically I elevated to that position,” Mahathir told his interviewer.
“I thought at least not vicious to me. And he was.”
“Within two weeks he changed everything. Rejected all the things I had started, which he promised to deliver.”

At the party’s 57th general assembly in 2006 Abdullah declared an end to Mahathir’s economic legacy and the grandiose projects.

“What he did was not right for the country,” Mahathir claims. “It was an abuse of power that I could not tolerate so I had to come back.”

In 2009, Abdullah resigned, and was replaced by Najib Razak, another of Mahathir’s protégés.

“I had great hopes for him,” Mahathir was quoted in the interview as saying.
“I felt I would have the opportunity to give some views to him.”
“Unfortunately, for the first six months, he totally ignored me.”

Eventually, Mahathir began to express doubts about Najib’s performance.
“I tried to tolerate, I tried to support him during the election, I campaigned for him. But eventually I had to tell him I am not supporting him anymore.”

Mahathir has since the beginning of this year openly called for Najib to resign.

(4) In Malaysia only Mahathir can master freedom of the press.
Mahathir is an active blogger.
The reason I started the blog was [because] I was actually prevented from meeting people, during my successor’s term,” he said.
“Nothing about me can be in the press, except something that is derogatory. Because of that, I had to make use of the media,” he adds.

But on the other hand he claims that there cannot be absolute freedom of the press!
“There are things you just don’t say, because it will destabilise the environment.”
“Malaysia is particularly sensitive: we have three races here and 29 different tribes.”
“We are divided not just by race but by religion, language, culture and economic performance. If you allow people to say what they like, there will be violence, confrontations and all that.

“We need stability.”
He says more freedom of the press has resulted in the different races going at each other’s throats.
“But I have been responsible in the media,” he asserts. “I don’t say things that are not true.”

(5) Mahathir is a moderate Muslim.
According to Mahathir, it is the interpretation of Islam that is wrong, not the religion.
“Islam is a moderate religion. All Muslims should be moderate.”
“There is no such thing as an extreme religion, just an extremist kind of interpretation. And if you are extreme, it is against Islam.”

So now we know where Marina Mahathir gets her views from.

(6) And he is a devoted family man!
Dr Siti Hasmah, his wife of 60 years, was his first and only girlfriend.
They have seven children, three of them adopted.

“I have a close family,” Mahathir says.
Two of his children were adopted from an orphanage in Pakistan.
“I went to Pakistan, saw the situation there, and thought, ‘If they are orphans, I will do a little bit’,” he says.
“I regard them not as adopted children; I regard them as my children. They are given my name.” - FMT

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Elias Hj Idris
By: Mahathir Mohamad

DR M DROPS NEW BOMBSHELL: 'Stupid' of Najib to let Jho Low 'persuade' him to form 1MDB

1. From the comments on my blog and the questions I have been asked by people while shopping, it is clear that many do not know much about 1MDB. They know enough that Najib has done something wrong with the RM42 billion borrowed money, but are not clear about what is so wrong that I should call upon him to resign.

2. So I think I need to explain why 1MDB is wrong in stages.

The Terengganu Investment Authority
3. Firstly the attempt to hijack the Terengganu Investment Authority (TIA) money. Petronas pays 5% of its gross earnings to the Terengganu Government. Over the years their royalty has grown quite big.

4. Jho Low persuaded Najib to make the TIA into a sovereign fund for investment like the Kuwait Investment Fund but under Najib’s control. Appointments of staff were made by Najib without Terengganu’s knowledge. Terengganu agreed at first but when Najib decided to raise through bonds RM5 billion using Terengganu oil wells as collateral, the istana and the Government thought it was not right.

5. Terengganu requested that the issuance of the bonds be deferred. Najib went ahead. Terengganu accordingly withdrew as it cannot let its’ oil wells be put at risk.

6. Jho Low then advised Najib that the Federal Government should guarantee the loan. Strictly speaking such a matter should be discussed and approved by Cabinet. There is no evidence that a cabinet paper was prepared and presented for approval despite the amount being unusually big. In fact for a long time Cabinet was not aware of the activities of 1MDB.

7. To avoid scrutiny by officials, the loan was classified as off – budget i.e. outside the annual budget presented to and approved by Parliament. Off – budget spending can be made but usually only limited in amount. RM5 billion have never been borrowed by Government or any of its agencies. It should not be off-budget. It should get Cabinet approval first and then presented to Parliament. None of these procedures were followed.

8. It is not clear whether any Government department or agencies have scrutinised the terms of the loans. But the terms were very unfavourable to 1MDB and the Government.

9. Goldman Sachs which was entrusted with raising the loan was given;
i) Commission of 10%;
ii) The interest rate was fixed at 5.9%.

10. What this means is that of the RM5 billion borrowed 1MDB would get only RM4.5 billion. Goldman Sachs would get RM500 million as commission, an inordinately large sum.

11. But 1MDB would pay 5.9% interest on the whole of RM5 billion. Since it gets only RM4.5 billion the rate of interest on this amount would be 6.6% plus. Goldman Sachs need not pay interest on the RM500,000,000.00/- it got as commission.

12. Loans taken by Government or guaranteed by Government would normally carry 3% interest or less. But the 1MDB loan cost almost 7% interest i.e, about RM350 million a year or almost RM1 million per day.

13. Who approved such terrible terms for a loan to a government owned company? We would like to know who. There must be some documents with the signature of the approving authority. If not somebody needs to answer for this stupidity. Or is it abuse of authority.

14. But more loans were raised from local as well as foreign banks. In all RM42 billion were borrowed. It is not clear what the terms are. But interest on RM42 billion must come to almost RM3 billion a year. Unless the investment yield fantastic returns, the interest burden would sink 1MDB. In fact as everyone knows Ananda Krishnan had to make available RM2 billion to pay the interest. Is it a loan or a free gift? Later 1MDB had to sell shares or properties for USD1 billion (RM3.7 billion) in order to settle short term loan from a German bank.

15. 1MDB is effectively headed by the Prime Minister who is also the Minister of Finance. When loans of more than 100 million are raised for investment overseas Bank Negara has to approve. But the final approval must come from the Minister responsible. And the Minister responsible is also the effective head of 1MDB.

16. The best known investments by 1MDB were in the purchase of power plants and Government land as well as private land.

Power Plants
17. RM18 billion was spent to purchase IPP belonging to Ananda Krishnan, Genting Sanyen Power (now known as Kuala Langat Power Plant) and Jimah Energy.

18. The prices paid for Genting Sanyen and Ananda’s IPP were well above market price. 1MDB also paid RM6 billion for unpaid loans. The Jimah IPP was to put up another power plant. But 1MDB had no money to build this plant.

19. Genting Sanyen and Tanjung Energy (now known as Powertek Energy Sdn Bhd) were nearing expiration of their licenses. Had 1MDB waited until the licenses expired, the price would be next to nothing.

20. Why 1MDB did not wait until the expiry of the license is a mystery. Genting and Ananda clearly made more money than they were entitled to. One estimate is that the high price netted the sellers an extra RM3 billion. Besides they are relieved of the loan of RM6 billion.

21. So not only is the borrowing costly but the high cost of investments will mean low returns. Why is 1MDB so stupid? - (note: definitely stupid - Elias)

22. As stated above 1MDB is unable to get the IPP listed again. Who would want to own overpriced and obviously unprofitable power plant?

Purchase of Land
23. The land along Jalan Tun Razak was actually meant for an agency to build shops etc for Bumiputras. But instead the Government sold the 70 acres to 1MDB for RM320 million i.e. at RM 60/- psf. Land close by had been sold at RM7,000 /-psf. 1MDB should pay at least RM3,000 to RM4,000 /- psf.

24. Government lost a huge amount of money from the sales. The question is why did the Government sell at such a low price. One cannot help thinking it is because the PM ordered the sale. If so it is wrong and it constitutes abuse of authority. The full value should be paid to the Government now.

25. Then 1MDB decides to sell a small part of the land at the price it bought the whole 70 acres of land. Payment was made by Tabung Haji even before the transfer of ownership was completed. Apparently 1MDB needed the money immediately.

26. The directors of 1MDB and Tabung Haji are the same people. They claim that they abstained from voting. But obviously it was not an arms– length deal.

27. If the Government could sell to 1MDB at RM60 /- psf, it should also sell at the same price to TH. But effectively it has used money saved by intending pilgrims to give enormous profit to 1MDB.

28. It is the same with the Sungai Besi airport land. 1MDB acquires it at the ridiculously low price of RM90 /- psf. The value of the land is at least RM2,000 /- psf.

29. But 1MDB bought private land in Penang at a much higher price. Yet the land is not at the centre of the city, has more than 1,000 squatters and has not obtained the Penang Government approval for development. Seems like 1MDB had overpaid the seller for useless land. Why?

30. 1MDB claims it has assets worth RM52 billion.

31. So far no explanation has been given as to how these assets are valued. How much is the value of all the power plants. And how much are the prices of land worth?

32. Future values after development may be big but billions of Ringgits must be invested before the property can be sold. After deducting cost, the return cannot be very big. The power plants and the land cannot be worth RM52 billion.

33. Even if this money is used to repay debts, the disappearance of billions of Ringgit must be recovered, or 1MDB should be charged for the loss. - chedet.cc

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