Elias Hj Idris


Elias Hj Idris

Kehebatan dan Hikmah Sujud

1. Membetulkan kedudukan buah pinggang yang terkeluar sedikit daripada tempat asalnya.

2. Membetulkan pundi peranakan yang jatuh.

3. Melegakan sakit hernia.

4. Mengurangkan sakit senggugut ketika haid.

5. Melegakan paru-paru daripada ketegangan.

6. Mengurangkan kesakitan bagi pesakit apendiks atau limpa. Kedudukan sujud dalam solat adalah paling baik untuk berehat dan mengimbangkan lingkungan bahagian belakang tubuh.

7. Meringankan bahagian pelvis.

8. Memberi dorongan supaya mudah tidur.

9. Menggerakkan otot bahu, dada, leher, perut serta punggung ketika akan sujud dan bangun daripada sujud. – Pergerakan otot ini akan menjadikan ototnya lebih kuat dan elastik, secara semula jadi dan ia juga akan memastikan kelancaran perjalanan darah.

10. Bagi wanita, pergerakan otot itu menjadikan buah dadanya lebih baik, mudah berfungsi untuk menyusukan bayi dan terhindar daripada sakit buah dada.

11. Sujud juga mampu mengurangkan kegemukan.

12. Pergerakan bahagian otot sewaktu sujud boleh memudahkan wanita bersalin. organ peranakan mudah kembali ke tempat asal serta terhindar daripada sakit gelombang perut (convulsions).

13. Organ terpenting iaitu otak kita juga akan menerima banyak bekalan darah dan oksigen.

14. Mengelakkan pendarahan otak jika tiba-tiba menerima pengepaman darah ke otak secara kuat dan mengejut serta terhindar penyakit salur darah dan sebagainya. Dari segi psikologi pula, sujud membuatkan kita merasa rendah diri di hadapan Yang Maha Pencipta sekali gus mengikis sifat sombong, riak takbur dan sebagainya.

15. Manakala dari sudut perubatan pula, kesan sujud dalam solat yang lama akan menambahkan kekuatan aliran darah ke otak yang boleh mengelakkan pening kepala dan migrain, menyegarkan otak serta menajamkan akal fikiran sekali gus menguatkan mentaliti seseorang.
Elias Hj Idris
Ulama' berperanan dalam menjaga ilmu agama dengan berijtihad terhadap memahami nas-nas Al-Qur'an dan As-Sunnah. Ingatlah kisah para sahabat dalam hadith Bani Qurazhoh, di mana para sahabat juga memahami nas daripada Rasulullah s.a.w. secara berbeza, di waktu hidup Rasulullah s.a.w., namun Rasulullah s.a.w. tidak mencela salah seorangpun daripada mereka.

Kita telah meletakkan nas-nas Al-Qur'an dan As-Sunnah dan kefahaman para ulama' mengenainya. Ini bukan soal Al-Qur'an atau As-Sunnah. Ini soal, ada jenis manusia yang tidak tahu apa itu nas, dan apa tu istinbath? Bahkan, majoriti nas Islam itu bersifat zhonni yang mana para ulama' mengambil ijtihad mengenainya.

Ada di antara kita yang mungkin sudah belajar tinggi-tinggi, tapi takkanlah tidak tahu apa itu nas, dan apa itu istinbath, apa itu istidlal, dan apa itu ijtihad? Kalau sesuatu masalah tiada dari Al-Qur'an dan As-Sunnah, secara lafzi (yang majoriti nasnya bersifat zhonni), dan tiada juga dalam ijma' sahabat, lalu para ulama' beristidlal dengan nas-nas Al-Qur'an dan As-Sunnah tentang ijtihad dan kefahaman mereka, siapakah pula yang boleh menentukan, ijtihad dan kefahamannya bersesuaian dengan Al-Qur'an dan As-Sunnah, sedangkan majoriti daripada nasnya bersifat zhonni?

Dalil Al-Qur'an dan As-Sunnah telah disertakan berdasarkan kefahaman para ulama' mengenainya, maka jelaslah dalam masalah ijtihad, tiada ijtihad yang boleh membatalkan ijtihad yang lain dalam masalah zhonniyah seperti ini, kecuali hanya golongan ta'sub sahaja yang syok sendiri, dengan menyangka, hanya mereka sahaja yang betul dalam memahami nas-nas zhonniyah....
Elias Hj Idris
1. The Victim

Altantuya Shaariibuu. Has also been referred to as @ Aminah Abdullah @ Anna Ana Ang.

NST used the name Anna Ana Ang @ Aminah on 7 Nov, then Attantuya Shariibu @ Aminah on 8 Nov, then Attantuya Shaariibuu @ Aminah Abdullah on 9 Nov.

On 9 Nov NST reported that “Syed Abdul Rahman said Attantuya’s sister, Altantuya Shaariibuu, came to his office on Oct 28 to discuss her (Attantuya’s) disappearance before lodging a police report.” But then on 10 Nov NST used the name Altantuya Shaariibuu until today.

The Star, citing Bernama, used the name Anna Ana Ang on 7 Nov, Altantuya Shaariibuu @ Anna on 8 & 9 Nov, and then just Altantuya Shaariibuu from 10 Nov until now.

Harian Metro 7 Nov used the name Anna, then on 8 Nov used the names Anna Ana Ang @ Al Tantuya @ Aminah, then from 9 Nov until 12 Nov used the names Altantuya Shaariibu @ Aminah @ Anna Ana but on Nov 13 started using only the name Altantuya Shaariibuu.

Harian Metro 10 Nov, reported the Honorary Consul as saying “Wanita berkenaan juga tidak menggunakan atau mempunyai nama ‘Aminah’ seperti dilaporkan sebelum ini.”

Altantuya: Picture from Mongolian newspaper

Religion:  Buddhist.

Reports that she was also called “Aminah” led to many believing her to be a Muslim.

The Star 9 Nov reported that the Honorary Consul for Mongolia in Malaysia, Datuk Syed Abdul Rahman Alhabshi had said that “Altantuya's family claimed to have in their possession a valid marriage certificate, he said, adding that she might have converted to Islam in Mongolia. ”

But Harian Metro 10 Nov, reported the Honorary Consul as saying “Pasangan itu tidak pernah berkahwin atau wanita berkenaan sudah memeluk Islam. Ia tidak tepat dan boleh menimbulkan kekeliruan.”

The subject of her religion was not raised again until 17 Nov when the family gave her a Buddhist funeral at the crime scene at Puncak Alam Shah Alam.

Age: 28


She was reported to be a model as early as 8 Nov by all Malaysian newspapers. That she might not be a model is reported in The Star Nov 10 which carried out a telephone interview with Mongolian Messenger editor-in-chief Indra Borhondoi. Mr Borhondoi said that local modelling agencies in Mongolia had never heard of her.

In Star 12 Nov, her cousin Amy is reported to have said that “Altantuya is a university graduate, teacher and also a translator. She owns a travel agency. … and is a part-time model … She always travels overseas for business.”

S. Ouynaa, a close friend who went to school with her for an English course, said Altantuya was involved in the textile and clothing business and imported the items from China, after returning from Paris. (in the Star, Nov 15)

In Star Nov 16,
Altantuya’s mother said that she never modelled. “People think she was a model because she was pretty”, she said

Descriptions of the Victim:

On 8 Nov,
Harian Metro said, “Gambaran awal menunjukkan mangsa mempunyai fizikal tubuh badan yang tinggi, jelita, rambut lurus paras bahu selain kerap tampil berpakaian seksi.”

Star 8 Nov:
“said to be a stunning beauty from Ulaanbaatar”

Star 12 Nov:
“She is a very loving person, beautiful inside and out. She received formal education. She lived in Russia until she was 12 years old. She is really an attractive person.” said the cousin who wished to be known only as Amy.

More from Amy,
Star 12 Nov:
“She speaks among other languages English, Russian and Chinese (Mandarin). She has her own house and car.”

The Star, 15 Nov: Altantuya had a mole on the right side of her upper lip and it was removed about five years ago. “She had the birth mark removed to make her look more attractive,” said S. Ouynaa, a close friend who went to school with her for an English course. (This mole removal thing confirmed by Altantuya’s mother, reported in the Star 16 Nov.)

The Star 15 Nov: Altantuya was also very fashion conscious and would always dress to kill even for a normal occasion – more from S. Ouynaa,

The Star 15 Nov:
“She was a smart woman and she knew how to survive even in the toughest environment” – Maadai, Altantuya’s ex-husband,

Family Details:

Father: Shaariibuu Setev, director of centre of information and education, National University of Mongolia. (Star 12 Nov). Before 12 Nov, some papers reported differently. NST 9 Nov said “Her father is a contractor in the Sukhbaatar district, near the Mongolian capital of Ulan Bator.”

Mother: Sh Altantsetseg

Sister: Altantzul, 27

Q: Is Altantuya married or single?

The Mother claimed she was married once, to Maadai, a popular Mongolian singer from the Khar Sarnai (Black Rose) band which is famous for its American-style pop music (The Star Nov 16)

A family friend, interviewed by the Star, said Altantuya married Maadai in 1996 when she was 18. Maadai was then 22. They divorced after 2 years. She then married S. Khunikhuu, the son of a famous designer. They divorced two years later without having any children. (The Star Nov 15)

Q: Does she have kids?

From the start, all major Malaysian newspapers except for the Star claimed that Altantuya and Razak Baginda has a 16-month-old love child.

As early as 7 Nov, Harian Metro said this,  

Then, on 9 Nov, Harian Metro said this, “Menurut sumber … Pada masa sama, bapa Altantuya dijangka tiba ke negara ini dalam tempoh terdekat membawa bersama cucunya berumur 16 bulan yang dikatakan hasil hubungan sulit wanita itu dengan seorang penganalisis politik tanah air.”,

and this

“Mangsa datang ke Malaysia pada 6 Oktober lalu bersama seorang sepupunya untuk mencari penganalisis politik berkenaan yang didakwa suaminya dan bapa kepada bayi mereka berusia 16 bulan.”

and this

“Syed Abdul Rahman berkata, hasil hubungan intim pasangan itu, mereka dikurniakan seorang anak lelaki berusia setahun empat bulan. Bagaimanapun, kanak-kanak ini menderita penyakit ‘Hidrocephalus’ iaitu lebihan cecair di kepala yang memerlukan pembedahan segera dan kini ditempatkan di sebuah hospital di Ulan Bator, Mongolia.”

NST also carried the same allegation. On 7 Nov, NST said “The case, which has led to the detention of three members of the police force, has been linked to the affair between the analyst and the victim which had started from a sexual encounter during the former's visit to Mongolia last year, and which had also resulted in the birth of a baby.”

Treating this as a fact, NST said on 9 Nov that “The father of Attantuya Shaariibuu, victim of a gruesome murder, is expected to arrive here on Monday accompanied by his 16-month-old grandson.”

Utusan Malaysia also came out with the same allegation on 8 Nov, also citing “sumber”.

However, on 10 Nov, Harian Metro and NST changed the story. They suddenly came out with the news that the 16-month-old baby was not Altantuya’s kid with Razak Baginda.

Harian Metro said,

“Bagaimanapun sumber memberitahu, anak wanita berkenaan yang berusia 16 bulan bukan hasil hubungan penganalisis politik terbabit. … Difahamkan, penganalisis politik terbabit yang mendapat tahu anak berkenaan bukan hasil hubungannya menjauhkan diri daripada wanita berkenaan.”


“Kesamaran status anak lelaki warga Mongolia yang dibunuh, Altantuya Shaariibuu, sama ada ia hasil hubungan sulit dengan seorang penganalisis politik tempatan terjawab apabila disahkan bukan hasil hubungan pasangan itu.

Status berkenaan dinyatakan Konsul Kehormat Kedutaan Mongolia di Malaysia, Datuk Syed Abdul Rahman Alhabshi, yang mengatakan laporan sebenar perkara itu sebelum ini disalah lapor oleh media.

Kanak-kanak berusia 16 bulan itu lahir sebelum Altantuya serta penganalisis politik tempatan itu menjalinkan hubungan.”

NST also reported the same denial, and from that day onwards, stopped any mention about the 16-month-old baby.

"The family itself denied the existence of the 16-month old baby".

The Star 16 Nov :
"The Mother claimed the victim had a 10-year old kid with Maadai named Atanshagai. Altantuya also had a 3-year-old kid with a different father who is also Mongolian, but the victim never married him. (). The Mother denied the existence of any 16-month-old kid, as alleged in Malaysian newspapers".

NST 16 Nov:
“The father admitted that Altantuya has two sons, ages nine and three, but said his daughter was only married once. Her husband was a rock star in Mongolia.”

The Star 12 Nov:
The cousin, Amy, neither denied nor confirmed the existence of the alleged 16-month-old kid, although she admitted Altantuya has a sick son named Altanchagai.


The Star 15 Nov :
"The family friend claimed that both children are living with her parents in a three-bedroom apartment in a 12-storey block at 34th Street in Ulanbataar, an upmarket residential area behind the popular shopping zone in the city."

The Star 16 Nov :
"But the Mother said the children lived with Altantuya".

Related development - maklumat yang boleh membantu;

Fighting breast cancer

Endon underwent a radical mastectomy on 18 April 2002, which was followed by 33 sessions of radiation and a series of physiotherapy sessions at St. John’s. Endon discovered she had breast cancer in 2003 while her twin sister Noraini who had earlier been diagnosed with the disease died in January 2003.

Endon later left for St. John’s Medical Centre in Los Angeles, California for treatment, and again in June this year for Abraxane chemotherapy, which has yet to be introduced to Malaysia.

(Dalam tempoh ini 3-4 kali DS Rosmah berada di sisi beliau dalam tempoh yang agak lama (2 minggu) kerana menjaganya - simpati (sbg rakan baik karaoke!). Selalunya, dia dan DS Najib bertolak ke London di mana Najib tinggal di London dan Rosmah meneruskan perjalanan ke US. Dlm senggang masa ini dipercayai Najib (sesekali terlepas dr pengawasan!) menemui Altantuya di London (cara pertemuan mungkin anak Najib di London ada maklumatnya!) sewaktu wanita itu mengambil kursus 'catwalk' di sana selama 6 bulan. Kemudian Altantuya meneruskan cita2nya mengambil kursus modeling 6 bulan lagi di Paris (yang terkenal sbg dunia fesyeh terkemuka). Di sini peranannya sebagai penterjemah/ko-ordinator dalam urusan pembelian kapal selam 'Scorpene' dan dijanjikan USD500ribu). Ada banyak maklumat yang diketahui oleh EmbassyParis).

Endon later received further chemotherapy treatment in the United States and returned to Malaysia on October 2, 2005. She was later brought home to Seri Perdana to be with her family after spending two weeks in Putrajaya Hospital.

On 20 October 2005, Endon died after a long battle with breast cancer. She died at 7.55 a.m. The funeral was conducted at the Prime Minister's residence and the Putra Mosque (where the funeral prayers are conducted), both in Putrajaya. Endon was buried at the Muslim cemetery in Taman Selatan, Precinct 20, Putrajaya.

Other Background Details:

NST 9 Nov:
“She has completed secondary school education”.

Star 15 Nov:
"Altantuya attended High School 84 at the Bayazurkh district".

Star 15 Nov:
"She enrolled in Otgontenger University, a private education centre specialising in business and language studies in November 1996 but left school in January 1997, but, “She was absent most of the time. She skipped classes and examinations. She never completed the course because she was pregnant.”, said D. Orlomkhorol, university director."

Star 15 Nov:
"She went to Paris in 2000 and enrolled in a modelling school there after her divorce. “She was there briefly and got a certificate for modelling”, said Opoccoo Puntzag, Altantuya’s biology teacher in High School 84.

2. The Accused Persons

Policeman 1 – Chief Inspector Azilah Hadri, 30, from the elite Special Action Force (UTK) in Federal headquarters in Bukit Aman. Member of escort guard branch, tasked with the protection of VIPs (Star 8 Nov). Charged under s 302 of the Penal Code for murder.

NST 16 Nov said that “Azilah, believed to be from Sarawak, was an investigating officer with the Sepang district police headquarters for at least five years before he joined the Special Action Squad in 2002.

NST 16 Nov also said that Azilah is “a bachelor, he is said to be in a relationship with a lance corporal attached to the Petaling Jaya anti-vice unit.” (the Policewoman suspect)

Policeman 2 – corporal Sirul Azhar Umar, 35 member of the Special Action Force (UTK), member of escort guard branch, tasked with the protection of VIPs (Star Nov 8). Charged under s 302 of the Penal Code for murder. He is said to be married with a child. (NST 16 Nov)

Sirul Azhar Umar (left) & Azilah Hadri

*Reports differ as to the rank of Policeman 2. The above facts is from The Star, but Harian Metro, NST and Bernama say that he is a police constable, not a corporal.

Abdul Razak Baginda – Top Malaysian strategic and defence analyst. 

3. Also Remanded:

Policewoman - detective lance corporal from the anti-vice and gaming branch (D7) in Petaling Jaya. She was remanded with the two Policemen accused with murder, but was released on police bail. She was said to have a relationship with Policeman 1, Azilah Hadri (NST 16 Nov)

46-year-old private investigator.

35-year-old ex-cop (Harian Metro & Guang Ming Daily said he is also a private investigator)

These two PIs were first remanded for investigation folowing the victim’s police report she made on 19 October, where she said she was being threatened to be put in jail. (Utusan Malaysia 10 Nov). They were released but were rearrested on 15 Nov to assist police in their ongoing investigations into Altantuya’s murder.

On Nov 22, the two PIs were released on a RM50,000 court bond each as provided for under Section 49 of the Criminal Procedure Code. The Star 23 Nov said they would be testifying as prosecution witnesses during the trial of the two policemen. The same Star report also said that the female lance corporal is also likely to be one of the main prosecution witnesses in the case.

Note that both Altantuya and Razak Baginda had engaged PIs. So if these two were the only PIs detained to assist investigation, then 1 must be the PI engaged by Altantuya and the other the PI engaged by Razak Baginda.

4. Other Characters Involved:

1. Amy, the victim’s cousin

2. Namiraa Gerelmaa, a friend of the victim (NST 18 Nov claimed that Amy and Namiraa Gerelmaa is the same person)

3. Honorary Consul for Mongolia in Malaysia, Datuk Syed Abdul Rahman Alhabshi

4. Mazlinda Makhzan, Razak Baginda’s wife who is a former Magistrate

5. The lawyers - Datuk Muhammad Shafee Abdullah & M. Puravalen (representing Abdul Razak Baginda), Shaun Tan Kee Shaan for Policeman 1 and Policeman 2

Father and cousins: Shaariibuu, Amy & Ochir

5. Relationship Between Persons Involved:

Razak Baginda & Policeman 1 & 2:

Of course, now we know from the charge against Razak Baginda what his relationship with Policeman 1 & 2 is.

Razak was charged of having abetted C/Insp Azilah Hadri and Kpl Sirul Azhar Umar to commit the murder of Altantuya between 9.54am and 11.05am on Oct 18 at Level 10, Bangunan Getah Asli, 148, Jalan Ampang.

So, investigations must have showed that the 3 met the day before Altantuya died at Razak Baginda's office. But Razak was not charged as the one asking the police to commit the murder, only for helping them. How he help them will be proved during trial.

Before the charge, only twice did the papers mentioned anything about Razak's relations with the 2 policemen.

On Nov 8 Harian Metro, citing a “sumber polis”, put it like this: “Berikutan gangguan melampau, kenamaan berkenaan meminta bantuan anggota polis di Unit Tindakan Khas (UTK) Bukit Aman yang dikenali untuk ‘menyelesaikan’ masalah itu”. However Harian Metro did not specifically say that this “anggota polis” is the same anggota polis that was arrested or not.

NST 10 Nov: “It is learnt that the analyst sought help from police friends after alleging that no action was being taken on his two earlier reports. A private investigator, whom he had also hired to keep the woman away from him and his family, had also allegedly failed.”

Razak Baginda & the Private Investigator(s):

“The PIs were believed to have been hired by Razak. Altantuya had lodged a police report against them on Oct 19, claiming that they had threatened to throw her into jail. According to Altantuya’s report made at Balai Polis Tun H.S. Lee, they were alleged to have made the threats to her at 5am on Oct 19 at Hotel Malaya where she was staying with her sister and cousin.” (Star Nov 10)

But note that both Altantuya and Razak Baginda had engaged PIs. So if these two were the only PIs detained to assist investigation, then 1 must be the PI engaged by Altantuya and the other the PI engaged by Razak Baginda.

Razak Baginda & the Victim:

There are numerous conflicting reports on this matter.
All the newspapers reported that they had an affair. Read for yourself some excerpts:-

NST 7 Nov: “The case, which has led to the detention of three members of the police force, has been linked to the affair between the analyst and the victim which had started from a sexual encounter during the former's visit to Mongolia last year, and which had also resulted in the birth of a baby.”

NST 9 Nov: “Attantuya Shaariibuu’s family alleges that she and the analyst enjoyed more than just a platonic relationship. They allege that he paid for her trip to South Africa in December last year and spent holidays in Europe and South Africa. … They claim that they knew of her relationship with the analyst and had met him. The analyst does not deny knowing Attantuya but alleges that it is impossible that the child is his.”

NST 9 Nov: “Syed Abdul Rahman also said that Attantuya had been to Malaysia several times since March 2004 and that her close relationship with the political analyst was "no secret" and was known by the woman’s family members.

He said the political analyst would meet up with Attantuya in Shanghai and they would return to Malaysia together.”

"During each meeting, he will give Attantuya gifts in the form of jewellery, including diamonds. He had also deposited US$30,000 (RM108,000) into Attantuya’s account," said Syed Abdul Rahman.

Her family also kept receipts for the purchase of the jewellery and also photographs of them together. The couple had also visited South Africa and several European countries.

He said the political analyst had also promised to buy Attantuya a house in Malaysia.”

Harian Metro 9 Nov: “Hubungan itu bukan saja tidak ubah seperti pasangan suami isteri, malah penganalisis terbabit pernah beberapa kali menemui ibu bapa mangsa ketika dia berada di kampungnya di Sukhbaatar, Mongolia.

Dia juga membiayai sepenuhnya tiket penerbangan atas nama Altantuya atau mesra dengan panggilan Anna Ana Ang yang dibeli dari sebuah agensi pelancongan di Jalan Raja Chulan di sini.

Selain itu, penganalisis itu yang juga seorang kenamaan (VIP) di negara ini, pernah memasukkan wang AS$30,000 (RM114,000) ke dalam akaun wanita berkenaan melalui sebuah bank di Mongolia.

Difahamkan, mengikut adat Mongolia, sekiranya lelaki dan wanita bersama dan mendapat anak hasil hubungan mereka, pasangan terbabit dianggap sudah menjadi suami isteri.”

Harian Metro 9 Nov: “Kebiasaannya, apabila Altantuya ingin ke negara ini, kata Syed Abdul Rahman, penganalisis itu akan bertemu dengannya di Shanghai sebelum membawanya masuk ke negara ini.

“Mereka akan menginap di hotel terkemuka di ibu negara setiap kali Altantuya berada di sini,” katanya.

Beliau mendakwa, penganalisis itu juga pernah berjanji untuk membelikan Altantuya sebuah rumah di negara ini sebagai tanda kasih mereka.

Syed Abdul Rahman berkata, hasil hubungan intim pasangan itu, mereka dikurniakan seorang anak lelaki berusia setahun empat bulan.”

Harian Metro 10 Nov: “Harian Metro difahamkan, mangsa dipercayai kali pertama memasuki Malaysia pada 2002 dan ketika itu hubungan pasangan berkenaan dikatakan baru berputik selepas penganalisis berkenaan pulang dari Mongolia.

Difahamkan, selain itu Altantuya … turut menyimpan gambar penganalisis terbabit ketika zaman mudanya.”

Utusan Malaysia 9 Nov: “Konsul Kehormat itu berkata, salah seorang sepupu mangsa yang menemuinya baru-baru ini mendakwa dia pernah menemui lelaki itu sebanyak dua kali iaitu di Starbucks di Shanghai dan Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf di Hong Kong.

Menurut Syed Abdul Rahman, semua maklumat yang diperoleh serta bukti yang dikemukakan oleh dua orang sepupu mangsa kepadanya, termasuk gambar lelaki tersebut, menunjukkan mereka memang mempunyai hubungan.”

Utusan 11 Nov: “Altantuya Shaariibuu dipercayai pernah datang ke Malaysia sebanyak lima kali dalam tempoh dua tahun ini.

Dalam lawatan pertamanya ke Malaysia pada 2 Mac tahun lalu, wanita yang berasal dari Ulan Bator, Mongolia itu pernah tinggal lebih seminggu di negara ini.

Bagaimanapun, dalam lawatan keempatnya pada 11 Ogos lalu, Altantuya hanya berada di negara ini tidak sampai 24 jam.

Difahamkan, Altantuya yang tiba di Lapangan Terbang Antarabangsa Kuala Lumpur (KLIA) pada kira-kira pukul 12 tengah hari hari berkenaan telah meninggalkan KLIA pada kira-kira pukul 7.30 pagi keesokan harinya.

Menurut sumber, lawatan kedua mangsa ke Malaysia juga pada bulan Mac tahun lalu manakala lawatannya dua bulan selepas itu merupakan yang terakhir ke negara ini bagi tahun 2005.

Pada tahun ini, Altantuya telah direkod masuk ke Malaysia sebanyak dua kali iaitu pada 11 Ogos dan pada 8 Oktober lalu sebelum dilaporkan hilang pada 20 Oktober,’’ kata sumber itu ketika dihubungi di sini hari ini.”

Some papers went further claiming that the couple was actually married.

The Star 9 Nov: “The father of murdered model Altantuya Shaariibuu will come with documents to prove that she was married to the prominent political analyst," Mongolian honorary consul Datuk Syed Abdul Rahman Alhabshi said.

Syed Abdul Rahman, who is based here, said Altantuya's father would also be bringing his grandson for DNA tests to ascertain the identity of the father.

Altantuya's family claimed to have in their possession a valid marriage certificate, he said, adding that she might have converted to Islam in Mongolia.”

But this was later denied by Syed Abdul Rahman,

Harian Metro 10 Nov: “Selain itu, beliau meluahkan rasa kecewa kerana ada beberapa fakta lain yang tersalah lapor seperti status agama wanita itu serta kononnya pasangan berkenaan sudah berkahwin."

“Pasangan itu tidak pernah berkahwin ... Mengenai sijil perkahwinan, beliau turut menafikan ia ada dalam simpanan keluarga wanita itu kerana mereka tidak pernah melangsungkan perkahwinan.”

6. Sequence of Events:

It is impossible to gather from the newspapers what really happened. Newspapers reported different versions, and key facts were changed daily by these newspapers, almost always without citing sources. Below is the sequence of events:-

Oct 8: Arrived in Malaysia (Utusan 11 Nov). We based this on Utusan Malaysia, since they appear to have an Immigration source.

Q: Who did she arrive with?

Newspapers’ version differed. Some papers said she came with her sister and cousin (NST 7 Nov, NST 10 Nov, NST 15 Nov, The Sun 9 Nov, Harian Metro 12 Nov). Star 10 Nov reported this: “According to the Mongolian model’s report, they were alleged to have made the threats to her at 5am that day at Hotel Malaya where she was staying with her sister and cousin.”

But NST Nov 18 said “Amy and Ochir had accompanied Altantuya from Mongolia early last month.” NST Nov 18 claimed that Amy is Nirmalaa Gerelmaa, and that Amy and Ochir were the victim’s cousins.

Others said she came with her best friend, Namiraa Gerelmaa, 22 (Utusan 8 Nov). (Note that Namiraa Gerelmaa is recorded as the complainant in the subsequent court case, so she must be the one who made the eventual police report of Altantuya’s disappearance).

The Honorary Consul for Mongolia, though, told a different story, as reported in Harian Metro 8 Nov:

“Kehadiran Altantuya bersama seorang sepupunya, Galochir Uuriintuya, 29, ke negara ini pada 6 Oktober lalu untuk mengadu nasib dengan penganalisis terbabit yang dianggap ‘suaminya’ di samping ingin meminta wang bagi membiayai kos pembedahan yang bernilai AS$5,000 hingga AS$10,000 (RM19,000 hingga RM38,000)."

Syed Abdul Rahman berkata, apabila Altantuya tidak pulang ke hotel, Galochir cuba membuat laporan di Ibu Pejabat Polis Brickfields tetapi gagal kerana dia tidak boleh berbahasa Inggeris dan terpaksa menghubungi sepupu mangsa, Namiraa Gerelmaa, 22, di Hong Kong bagi mendapatkan bantuan.

… Mereka berdua membuat laporan di balai polis sama keesokannya pada jam 11.48 malam dengan menyatakan Altantuya hilang dan khuatir akan keselamatannya. Galochir turut membuat laporan pada 28 Oktober lalu di balai polis sama memberitahu pasport antarabangsanya disimpan Altantuya kerana kehadirannya ke Malaysia dibiayai rakannya.”

Q: Why did she come to Malaysia?

The papers really went to town with this one.

Check this out from NST 7 Nov:

“Investigations are expected to cover various scopes, including the possibility that the strategist, well known on the international lecture circuit, fell victim to a US$500,000 (RM1.9 million) blackmail pulled off by the woman … investigators are now looking at the possibility that this "missing person" incident has brought them up against a sex-cum-blackmail scam whose players have international links.”

Relations to Razak Baginda

She was allegedly introduced to Abdul Razak Baginda, a defense analyst from the Malaysian Strategic Research Centre think-tank, at an international diamond convention in Hong Kong by Malaysian Deputy Prime Minister, Najib Tun Razak, and had a relationship with him.[4] She accompanied Abdul Razak to Paris where she worked as translator during his negotiations to purchase submarines from France for the Malaysian government.[5] The two quickly became romantically involved. [6]. She reportedly became his mistress in Paris in 2005.

According to reports by the French newspaper Liberation, Altantuya found out that one of the parties involved in negotiations, a Spanish company Armaris, had paid out the commissions of 114 million euros for the deal (reportedly one billion euros or RM4.7 billion for the purchase of three submarines). The commission was credited into the accounts of a company controlled by Razak, Perimekar. Subsequently, Altantuya, accompanied by her cousin, went to Kuala Lumpur to ask for the portion of the commission due to her (allegedly US$500,000). [7]

And this the day after:

“ (she) allegedly demanded US$500,000 (RM1.85 million) as payment after he signalled the end of their affair. She claimed that she had given birth to his child and threatened to go public if her demand was not met.” (NST 8 Nov)

NST 9 Nov: “Attantuya’s family says that she came to Malaysia to obtain money to treat her toddler son. But the political analyst alleges that a woman was extorting US$500,000 (RM1.82 million) from him and had harassed him with SMSes.”

However, the Star and Utusan never reported this 500,000USD extortion story.

Star 8 Nov: “It is learnt that Altantuya, mother of a 16-month-old baby boy, came to Malaysia to seek help and financial support from the analyst for the baby, who is in need of medical treatment.”

And according to Utusan 8 Nov, “Difahamkan, Altantuya yang ditemani rakan karibnya, Namiraa Gerelmaa, 22, datang ke Kuala Lumpur pada 6 Oktober lalu untuk menemui ‘suaminya’ yang sudah berkahwin dan mempunyai anak.”

As stated earlier, the Honorary Consul for Mongolia’s version was reported in Harian Metro 8 Nov:

“Kehadiran Altantuya … ke negara ini … untuk mengadu nasib dengan penganalisis terbabit yang dianggap ‘suaminya’ di samping ingin meminta wang bagi membiayai kos pembedahan yang bernilai AS$5,000 hingga AS$10,000 (RM19,000 hingga RM38,000).”

So, from the reports, it cannot be satisfactorily concluded why and with whom she came to Malaysia, although we can safely say that she came with her lady companion or companions with the objective of meeting Razak Baginda.

Oct 9: Altantuya and her lady companion or companions check into Hotel Malaya, Jalan Hang Lekir. (all reports)

Oct 10: She/they meet with private investigator to help her meet Razak Baginda. (NST 7 Nov, The Sun 9 Nov, Utusan 17 Nov, Harian Metro 9 Nov)

Oct 10-Oct 15: - She/they made numerous phone calls to the private investigator from their hotel rooms. (NST 7 Nov, Harian Metro 9 Nov)

- Private investigator met Razak Baginda at the latter’s office.

Oct 15: Razak Baginda filed two police reports against Altantuya and the private investigator (NST Nov 9). He alleged that he was being intimidated by certain individuals. (all newspapers)

Q: What did Razak say in the police reports?

We don’t know but the following news excerpts are interesting:-

NST 9 Nov: “His team of lawyers are arguing that he had no role in the murder …, had co-operated fully with investigators since his arrest and had lodged two police reports last month on being blackmailed by the woman. As such, he should not be held in remand for five days, as ordered by a magistrate’s court yesterday.”

NST 10 Nov: “Shafee is saying that the analyst has no role in the murder. He pointed out that his client had lodged two police reports last month, claiming that he was being blackmailed and harassed by the woman.”

Utusan 9 Nov: “Dalam laporan yang dibuat di Ibu Pejabat Polis (IPD) Brickfields di sini pada pertengahan Oktober lalu, pengarah eksekutif agensi pemikir itu mendakwa beliau telah diperas ugut oleh model itu sejak lebih setahun lalu.”

Before Oct 19: - Altantuya turns up at the building where the analyst’s office is housed but is turned away by a security guard. Allegedly told the guard to pass a message to the analyst, claiming that she had given birth to his child. (NST 8 Nov, The Sun 9 Nov, Metro 9 Nov)

- Razak Baginda hired private investigator(s) following contact(s) made by Altantuya/her private investigator (NST 10 Nov, Star 10 Nov)

Oct 19: - Altantuya lodged a police report at the Tun H.S. Lee Police Station at about 1 p.m., claiming that certain parties had threatened to throw her into jail. According to Altantuya’s report, the threats were made to her at 5 a.m. that day at Hotel Malaya. It is believed that those making the threats are the two PIs currently being remanded, or at least one of them. (Star Nov 10, Nov 17, Utusan 10 Nov)

The other events happening on October 19 had many different versions:-

NST 8 Nov:
“(Altantuya) and her sister turn up at the prominent personality’s home in Bukit Damansara in a taxi. A security consultant hired by the analyst allegedly stops her from entering the house, and warns her to leave. She persists. The security consultant threatens to call the police. She leaves in a taxi and returns to the hotel.

Several hours later, she leaves the hotel. That was the last time she was seen alive.”

The Sun 9 Nov:
“Altantuya and her cousin turn up at the analyst’s home in Damansara Height in a taxi. A security consultant hired by the analyst prevents them from entering the house and warns her to leave. She leaves and return to her hotel. Several hours later she leaves her hotel room.”

The Star 8 Nov:
“Altantuya managed to find out where the analyst lived but failed in her attempt to meet him until Oct 19 when she was said to have received a telephone call to meet him at his house.

She was said to have contacted her sister and cousin over the handphone, informing them that she had reached the analyst’s house.

While she was outside the house, she was seized by several men, pushed into a car and driven away.

Her sister and cousin, who last heard from her that night, became worried and sought the help of the Mongolian Embassy in Bangkok after they were told that there was no embassy or consul here.”

Utusan 10 Nov:
“Selepas 13 hari menanti, akhirnya pada 19 Oktober lalu, mangsa dijemput oleh seorang lelaki di hotel penginapannya di Jalan Hang Lekir di sini untuk bertemu ‘suaminya’.

Mangsa dilaporkan tidak kembali ke hotel keesokan harinya dan Namiraa yang gagal mengesan Altantuya telah bertindak melaporkan kehilangan wanita itu kepada Konsulat Mongolia di Thailand."

Metro 9 Nov:
“Altantuya ditemani seorang saudaranya ke kediaman penganalisis politik itu di Bukit Damansara tetapi sekali lagi dihalang menemui lelaki itu.

Dia enggan berganjak bertemu lelaki itu tetapi selepas pegawai keselamatan mengatakan akan memanggil polis, mereka pulang semula ke hotel penginapan.

Bagaimanapun, beberapa jam kemudian, Atlantuya meninggalkan hotel penginapannya dipercayai ke kediaman penganalisis politik itu. Itulah kali terakhir, model sambilan itu dilihat.”

The same Harian Metro edition then proceeded to give a different story in a different article!

Metro 9 Nov:
“Syed Abdul Rahman berkata, kira-kira jam 7 malam pada 19 Oktober lalu, Altantuya menerima panggilan daripada seorang lelaki India bernama Bala yang memperkenalkan diri sebagai pengawal peribadi penganalisis terbabit.

Lelaki berkenaan memaklumkan VIP itu ingin menemui mangsa bagi membincang masalah mereka.

Mangsa yang kegembiraan terus mendapatkan teksi dan ke rumah ‘suaminya’ di Jalan Setia Jaya. Bagaimanapun, menurut pemandu teksi yang membawanya, mangsa ditarik seorang lelaki sebaik keluar dari kenderaan itu dan dibawa masuk ke sebuah Proton Wira merah.

Kereta itu bergerak ke kawasan tidak diketahui dengan diikuti sebuah jip Suzuki. Pemandu teksi yang masih belum menerima bayaran itu kemudian mendapatkan Bala lalu diberikan RM50. Dia kemudian diarah datang semula keesokannya bagi mendapatkan baki bayaran berikutan mangsa menggunakan teksinya selama sehari bagi mencari suaminya,” katanya.

From the reports, there is no way we can say what happened on that fateful October 19. But what was constant in all the reports was that Altantuya left her hotel and took a taxi to go to Razak Baginda’s house. She never returned.

What we do know is that the charges against the two policemen was for having jointly murdered the 28-year-old freelance model between 10pm on Oct 19 and 1am on Oct 20 at Lots 12843 and 16735 in Mukim Bukit Raja in Shah Alam.

So for Oct 19, the following events are added:-

Oct 19: - Altantuya left her hotel and took a taxi to go to Razak Baginda’s house. She never returned.
- Between 10pm that night and 1am the next morning (Oct 20) at Lots 12843 and 16735 in Mukim Bukit Raja in Shah Alam, in the darkness of the jungle and the night, she was jointly killed by Chief Inspector Azilah Hadri, 30 and corporal Sirul Azhar Umar, 35 from the elite Special Action Force.

The rest of the events were well recorded and not disputed. So, after taking out all the deductions and discussions, we arrive at the following ‘clean’ sequence of events.

Oct 8:
Altantuya arrived in Malaysia.

Oct 9:
Altantuya and her lady companion or companions check into Hotel Malaya, Jalan Hang Lekir. (all reports).

Oct 10:
She/they meet with private investigator to help her meet Razak Baginda. (NST 7 Nov, The Sun 9 Nov, Utusan 17 Nov, Harian Metro 9 Nov)

Oct 10-Oct 15:
- She/they made numerous phone calls to the private investigator from their hotel rooms. (NST 7 Nov, Harian Metro 9 Nov)

- Private investigator met Razak Baginda at the latter’s office.

Oct 15:
Razak Baginda filed two police reports against Altantuya and the private investigator (NST Nov 9). He alleged that he was being intimidated by certain individuals.

Before Oct 19:
- Altantuya turns up at the building where the analyst’s office is housed but is turned away by a security guard. Allegedly told the guard to pass a message to the analyst, claiming that she had given birth to his child. (NST 8 Nov, The Sun 9 Nov, Metro 9 Nov)

- Razak Baginda hired private investigator(s) following contact(s) made by Altantuya/her private investigator (NST 10 Nov, Star 10 Nov)

Oct 19:
- Altantuya lodged a police report at the Tun H.S. Lee Police Station at about 1 p.m., claiming that certain parties had threatened to throw her into jail. According to Altantuya’s report, the threats were made to her at 5 a.m. that day at Hotel Malaya. It is believed that those making the threats are the two PIs currently being remanded, or at least one of them. (Star Nov 10, Nov 17, Utusan 10 Nov)

- Altantuya left her hotel and took a taxi to go to Razak Baginda’s house. She never returned.

- Between 10pm that night and 1am the next morning (Oct 20) at Lots 12843 and 16735 in Mukim Bukit Raja in Shah Alam, in the darkness of the jungle and the night, she was jointly killed by Chief Inspector Azilah Hadri, 30 and corporal Sirul Azhar Umar, 35 from the elite Special Action Force.

Oct 21:
Police report made by Altantuya’s companion(s) at the Hotel about her disappearance. They named Abdul Razak as being involved in the disappearance.

Oct 21-26:
Woman detective lance corporal detained to assist investigation.

26 Oct:
Chief Inspector Azilah detained to assist investigation.

6 Nov:
Corporal Sirul Azhar detained to assist investigation.

7 Nov:
Razak Baginda detained to assist investigation.

15 Nov:
- DNA test result confirmed that the remains found at the crime scene belong to Altantuya

- Chief Inspector Azilah Hadri, 30 and corporal Sirul Azhar Umar, 35 are charged for having jointly murdered the 28-year-old freelance model between 10pm on Oct 19 and 1am on Oct 20 at Lots 12843 and 16735 in Mukim Bukit Raja in Shah Alam under s 302 of the Penal Code read together with s 34 of the same.

- Woman detective lance corporal released on police bail.

16 Nov:
Razak Baginda charged of having abetted C/Insp Azilah Hadri and Kpl Sirul Azhar Umar to commit the murder of Altantuya between 9.54am and 11.05am on Oct 18 at Level 10, Bangunan Getah Asli, 148, Jalan Ampang, here - the official address of the Malaysian Strategic Research Centre, under s 109 of the Penal Code read together with Section 302 of the same code. If convicted, he will be sentenced to death.

18 Nov:
Altantuya’s father, relatives and monks carried out last rites for Altantuya’s soul at the crime scene at Puncak Alam.

23 Nov:
Razak Baginda pleaded not guilty and claimed trial. He was released on court bond for RM1 million.

Surat Altantuya...
After being identified by local newspapers following the murder, she was first characterized as a part-time model (code language for a high-priced call girl). She also has been reviled for being an unwed mother, and for jet-setting to Europe with Abdul Razak. She has been described as a bitter, spurned lover demanding money from her rich boyfriend. Her family, meanwhile, has said she worked hard and was just trying to find her way in life.

In a letter found after her death (spelling corrected), she sounds like any jilted young woman: “To see your lover is nothing criminal right? Yes (I) was in shock. I wrote some stupid letters to him where I said I kill myself I want help. Yes I try to blackmail him. Maybe it’s my fault but no I really understand he doesn’t love me anymore and I need to stop that I asked money from him to go back how he promised to me. He lied to me to help and ruin my life. I came to KL to see him to face to face and ask why acting like that. Maybe rich person and he got family doing this. But when I come I did some thing stupid I write letter where I said I will kill myself and thing like that.”

And, she adds: “They say Malaysia is different from Mongolia and said they know people in police so can easy put me to jail. If in Malaysia law goes like that I can’t complain. But true is I did nothing to him. I’m just normal girl trying to meet my lover who lied to me and promised many things but now wants to put me in jail or kill.”

From a series of pictures made available to Asia Sentinel by Syed Abdul Rahman AlHabshi, the honorary Mongolian Consul General in Malaysia, Altantuya looks like nothing more than an attractive young woman off on the trip of her life to Europe. AlHabshi declined a request to say where the pictures came from but they are believed to have been found among her possessions after she was killed. She looks happy. Perhaps she was with her lover when these were taken. Her family has declined to elaborate on the circumstances of the pictures.

According to trial testimony by Burmaa Oyunchimeg, Altantuya’s cousin, who accompanied the victim to Kuala Lumpur to attempt to get Abdul Razak to give her money, there was one more picture. It depicted Altantuya having dinner with Abdul Razak and Deputy Prime Minister Najib. The picture was not in her possession when her decomposed body was found last October. The court has made no attempt to find the picture and Najib has not been called as a witness by either side.

Latar suara Mr Sharibuu pada video;

Altantuya) is a nice and young Mongolian girl who got killed by cruel murderers, terminating her young life.

She was born as a dear child to her moderate parents, and like other children, she grew up, by spending ordinary days, day after day.

She grew up playing with her sister, who is so much like her, as birds of a feather.

The picture of the girl sitting on the lap of her Russian teacher in the remote Chimkent city of the Soviet Union shows the beginning of her educational path.

It was in the secondary school of Leningrad city that she began to get acquainted with the great history of humankind.

By giving birth to her first child, she became a mother to experience happiness of motherhood, although her livelihood burden increased as well.

Besides bringing up her son she strived to learn Russian, English and Chinese.

Her master’s, bachelor’s degrees and diplomas in Chinese Language and many other certificates bear witness to her increasing knowledge, certify her good command of those languages.

But life is full of surprises, and to overcome all possible difficulties in life, she often overloaded herself with work, trying to repay her parents goodness, to rear her children and educate her sister.

She had a rare nature, she did not begrudge her friends and sacrificed herself for the sake of others.

But her lifespan was limited, yet the success she achieved in this 20+ years of life, will make you think, that she lived her life, racing to be ahead of time.

Later, Altantuya gave birth to her second child, and put in enormous effort to bring him up as a healthy boy. This is a witness of what an extremely good mother and unique good-hearted girl she was.

The Mongolian girl who departed from this life so sensationally, deeply distressed her parents, orphaned her dear children and reminded the world of the realities of modern life.

She will be remembered by all honest people, and frankly she will serve God after her death.

***  Nota:  Pada 2002 M'sia memesan 2 Scorpene dan 1 Agosta submarines.
Pada 2003 Endon dikesan mengidap kanser dan 3-4 kali Rosmah pergi menjaganya untuk tempoh yang lama di US. Najib ditinggalkan di London. Ada masanya Najib balik sendirian ke M'sia. Dan Rosmah juga balik sendirian terus dari US.

Dalam tempoh ini pertemuan itu dipercayai berlaku (ketika kursus 'catwalk' London) dan berguna untuk urusan jurubahasa Scorpene di Paris ketika kursus modelling - 6bln.

Nikah di London (student affairs - ustaz) menggunakan nama Aminah Abdullah. Apabila Endon meninggal, konon diperkenalkan kepada Razak (Razak pun dah kenal lama - sesama nakal). Ini sekadar maklumat yang media M'sia ada. Sebenarnya, Razak diamanahkan 'jaga' wanita ini.

Altantuya terus terputus hubungan dgn 'suami'nya. Dia hanya dapat berhubung melalui Razak dan segala keperluan kewangan terpenuh melalui Razak (Syed Rahman jelaskan kemasukan wang ke dalam akaun Altantuya USD10ribu beberapa kali - lama kemudian orang tua tak guna ni nafikan (setelah tekanan abangnya Syed Ali Alhabshi - ketua umno Cheras!).

Pada Mei, 2006 Sidang APEC diadakan di Hanoi di mana Najib hadiri (diikuti Rosmah). Altantuya dapat tau dan ingin menemuinya, tetapi dihalang Razak. Mereka bertemu di Hong Kong (krn Altantuya mmg selalu ke HK mengambil kain2 untuk kedainya di Ulan Bator - Shanghai pun pergi juga) - bermalam 3 mlm!

Pada Oktober, dia datang KL - tuntut duit komisen utk ubati sakit anaknya. Kedua, nak beritau perutnya dah berisi anak Razak. Razak sedang pening kepala krn sibuk dgn Perhimpunan Agung Umno, November - sbg think-tank Najib! Dia pening jg sbb anak dlm perut 'isteri' bosnya. Dia pening sbb duit komisen ada dlm tangan Rosmah - yang dah mula tau kisah hubungan suaminya dgn wanita itu (krn pernah 2x terserempak di restoran Paris - mula syak, tapi tak jelas).

Razak ambil PI sbb nak halang gangguan drp wanita itu. So, starts all the stories... ***


Direction des Constructions Navales (DCN)

The French company DCNS (formerly DCN) is the prime naval shipyard for the French Navy, supplying the entire range of conventional and nuclear-propelled submarines and surface vessels, as well as maintenance and integrated logistical support. In addition, the company offers integrated command and control and combat systems for its vessels in cooperation with Thales Naval France.[1,2] However, France does not currently allow the sale of nuclear-propelled submarines.[3]

DCNS currently offers two submarines for export:

•The Agosta 90B-class: diesel-electric submarine with an option to include an air-independent propulsion (AIP) system;

•The Scorpène-class: diesel-electric submarine jointly developed with Spain's Navantia (formerly Izar). This vessel is offered in three different versions:

◦Scorpène Basic without an AIP system;

◦Scorpène Basic-AIP with an AIP system as the secondary power source;
◦Scorpène Compact with an AIP system as the primary power source. Scorpène Compact is a shortened version of Scorpène Basic, and is designed for use in littoral waters. The use of AIP enables the boat to avoid the danger of snorkeling in coastal waters.

The company's AIP system, MESMA (Module d'Energie Sous-Marin Autonome), is based on a closed-cycle steam turbine. This power plant can also be retrofitted via a plug-in extension during a major overhaul, providing a significant qualitative upgrade to the boat.[4] The first vessel equipped with MESMA was the Pakistani Navy's Hamza, an Agosta 90B-class boat, license-built in Karachi, Pakistan.[5] The first two Agosta vessels that Pakistan purchased, Khalid and Saad, will be retrofitted with MESMA AIP systems in refits that are scheduled for 2011 and 2012. [20]

In 2002, DCNS and Thales started cooperating on the export of their products via the joint enterprise Armaris. Aside from exports, Armaris is also intended to facilitate participation in international procurement programs.[6] Initially, DCNS was marketing its vessels through Sofrantem, which DCNS created in 1970; since 1991, marketing has been done by DCN International (DCNI). As the former state-owned enterprise was unable to work abroad directly, it established subsidiaries to operate on its behalf. DCNI in turn established DCN Log to provide maintenance and integrated logistical support.[7,8]

While Sofrantem's main responsibility was related to the financing of DCNS's international sales, the establishment of DCNI represented an increased commitment to exports, reflecting the shipyard's need to sustain its capabilities despite decreasing orders from the French Navy.[9] The French Navy continues to be DCNS's main focus; the navy, in turn, actively promotes the company during visits to foreign states and through cooperation with NAVFCO (Société Navale de Formation et de Conseil), a private company that provides tactical and basic on-shore and on-board training to future crews of foreign navies.[10,11,12,13]

Given the decrease in French Navy orders, fierce international competition for naval contracts, and limited success with civilian orders, DCNS has become increasingly interested in pursuing alliances both within France and Europe. An attempted acquisition of Howaldtswerke-Deutsche Werft (HDW), its main European competitor in the submarine sector, failed in 2003, as HDW's owner regarded DCNS's offer as insufficient.[14,15] However, as a result of the partial privatization of DCNS (approved by the French Parliament in December 2004), some of the obstacles to mergers and international cooperation have now been removed.[12,16,17] The privatization enabled Thales to become a 25% industry partner in the company, with the French Government retaining the majority share. [17, 23] This 25% privatization was part of a deal that also included a merger between DCN and Thales Naval France, a move that further consolidated European naval yards[18, 23] DCNS and Thales have also cooperated with the Spanish company Navantia in submarine construction.

While DCNS's new status may facilitate international cooperation and acquisitions, French government subsidies could become increasingly difficult to administer. For example, a French Court of Auditors detailed in its reports how DCNS was able to sell submarines to Pakistan below cost, recouping its losses by overcharging the French Navy for its domestic orders.[16] DCNS's actions were likely to have been an attempt at jumpstarting its export business; without its sales to Pakistan there may have been questions over the shipyard’s future viability.

In the past two decades, however, DCNS has had considerable success in both reviving old markets and opening new ones. In 1994, it won contracts for three Agosta 90B units with a new, untested AIP system to Pakistan. Three years later, the company contracted to sell two vessels of its new Scorpène-class to Chile. Not only was DCNS able to break into HDW's market (Chile had been employing German Type 209 boats), but, more importantly, the French company was able to sell a new submarine design, even though the Chilean Navy had initially issued the tender for a proven submarine class.[9] In 2002, Malaysia ordered two Scorpène units as well, along with an ex-French Navy Agosta boat for training purposes.[19]

In the past five years, DCNS has received substantial orders for Scorpène-class vessels from both India and Brazil. A 2005 agreement between the Indian Navy and Armaris comprised six Scorpènes that will be constructed at the Mazagon Docks in Mumbai. The first vessel is likely to be commissioned around 2014 and India has the option to order six more, should they wish to do so. [23] In 2008, DCNS also won a bid to supply four diesel-electric Scorpène-class boats to Brazil. [24] These four vessels will be constructed at Sepetiba Bay, close to Rio de Janeiro, and DCNS will provide the hull for a fifth vessel that Brazil intends to use as a basis for developing its first nuclear-powered submarine.

Some allege that the modular construction of the Scorpène would allow for the installation of a nuclear propulsion system.[21] It is unclear to what extent DCNS might be involved in such an adaptation as France has never exported nuclear propulsion systems. Even in the case of Brazil, where DCNS will provide the hull for a vessel that the Brazilians intend to develop into a nuclear-powered submarine, France is not transferring any of the components that can be used in the propulsion mechanism itself.[3] However, the French Navy does operate the world's smallest nuclear submarine class, Le Rubis. With a submerged displacement of 2,680 tons, it is not significantly larger than a Scorpène-class boat of up to 2,000 tons.[22] The latter with its modular design could potentially incorporate a small reactor with a design similar to the one used in Le Rubis.
Elias Hj Idris
QUICK TAKE: In a rare response to critics, 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB) has clarified its position following "attacks" from the media and opposition politicians regarding the performance and sustainability of the national sovereign wealth fund.

The normally reticent 1MDB addressed the insinuations and allegations hurled at it recently, including the “suspiciously” late submission of its annual returns.

It would be interesting to see how DAP’s PJ Utara MP would respond to the 1MDB statement, dated Feb 21, which said that since 2012, 1MDB has had a new business direction.

On Feb 20, theantdaily carried a report that he seemed to have jumped the gun in his crusade against 1MDB.

MP had said: “It is both shocking and suspicious that a multi-billion ringgit entity 100% owned by the Ministry of Finance has failed to produce its audited financial statements after nearly a year.”

In its statement, 1MDB said it has grown exponentially, requiring the consolidation of several new subsidiaries, with large assets worldwide, into the 1MDB Group.

"As such, 1MDB has been granted an extension of time up to March 31 to file its annual returns to the Companies Commission of Malaysia.

"1MDB expects to file and submit its audited accounts in accordance to the extension granted by SSM, as it has in the past years," the statement said.

Following negative media reports on 1MDB’s Cayman and energy ventures, that MP lashed out at the “controversial” management of Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak’s multi-billion ringgit 1MDB.
He posted two commentaries in Malaysia Chronicle on Feb 18 and 19, titled “CORRUPTION & HANKY-PANKY AT NAJIB’S 1MDB: M’sians will have to PAY MORE FOR UNFAIR DEAL” and “1MDB NAJIB'S WATERLOO? Sudden shock resignation of external auditors triggers alarm bells”.
The 1MDB statement said it had appointed Deloitte, a Big 4 accounting firm, to complete the audit for the financial year ended March 31, 2013, after it was mutually agreed with KPMG that the firm would cease to be 1MDB’s auditors.

"This is nothing special or new as it is in line with best market practice where companies decide on its current or future auditors after considering all aspects, including but not limited to conflict of interests and other consideration.

"Deloitte, as a Big 4, will apply equally stringent auditing standards in line with international practice. We thank KPMG for its services and advice," 1MDB said.

On its foray into the energy sector, 1MDB said it is poised to realise strong strategic value from its energy assets of high growth potential domestically and globally.

1MDB stressed: "To give a more accurate representation and valuation of 1MDB’s assets, it is vital to have a more detailed knowledge of the operations and factor in other considerations such as precedent transactions for acquisitions of controlling stake, discounted cash flow, management expertise and potential growth of the business.

"Any valuation without detailed information is wrongly premised and inaccurate.

"All 1MDB assets have strong future growth potential, beyond the finite life of assets at purchase period. They come with credible, experienced management which can create further value from the power business.

"All this points to a high value proposition that can be expected to stimulate markets and bring significant FDI and cash profits to the shareholder – the Government of Malaysia – as well as enhance competitiveness towards better pricing."

1MDB said it had recently completed its acquisition of Jimah Energy, a 1,400 MW coal-fired power plant in Negeri Sembilan backed by strong cash flows and a 25-year PPA expiring in 2033. This purchase diversifies the group’s energy portfolio and opens up further development opportunities.
1MDB’s biggest subsidiary Powertek operates in Malaysia and five other emerging markets -- Egypt, Bangladesh, UAE, Sri Lanka and Pakistan -- while another subsidiary Kuala Langat Power Plant won a 10-year extension to its PPA until 2026.

1MDB said it was also well placed to grow significantly in its overseas market with a management armed with deep industry knowledge, both at country and group level.

"We are heading expansion for international operations, supported by a growing demand for electricity and shortage of supplies in some of the countries.

"1MDB is the largest IPP in both Egypt and Bangladesh. In Bangladesh, 1MDB controls 20 per cent of the market share, and is looking forward to growing even further," it said.

On its venture into Cayman-based funds, 1MDB said: "The Cayman-based fund is regulated by the monetary authorities in Cayman, Switzerland and Hong Kong.

"1MDB has invested the proceeds with regulated and licensed international fund managers. These fund managers adopt an absolute return strategy of which the primary investment objective is to achieve long-term capital appreciation and/or steady income through investments in listed and/or unlisted companies.

"The funds have an investment objective specifically tailored and aligned to 1MDB's risk/return objective.

"A total of US$200 million (RM652 million) has been remitted from the fund to the 1MDB group in Malaysia to service repayment. Out of this, US$134 million (RM430m) is from the 5.76 per cent cash dividend generated within the first year of the investment period.

"The funds are Cayman Islands-based international fund structures which are widely used by global international financial institutions. Cayman Islands are one of the largest banking centres in the world where 80 per cent of the world's largest banks have branches/subsidiaries.

- See more at: http://www.theantdaily.com/…/Najib-s-1MDB-hits-back-at-cr…/…

Ojay Khoo's photo.
Elias Hj Idris
Oleh Alyaa Alhadjri

Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Abdul Razak mungkin boleh menutup telinga daripada segala persoalan yang disuarakan Ahli Parlimen Pakatan Rakyat tentang pengurusan 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB). Namun kritikan paling tajam berhubung isu itu disuarakan dari dalam Barisan Nasional sendiri.
Walaupun dengan perkembangan baru-baru ini, 1MDB kekal sebagai syarikat milik penuh Kementerian Kewangan, dan tanggungjawab terhadap kerugian dana awam masih lagi terletak di atas bahu Najib selaku Menteri Kewangan.

Dalam satu wawancara eksklusif bersama Sarawak Report, bekas Perdana Menteri Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad sekali lagi menyatakan rasa tidak gembira dengan pengumuman terbaru oleh Ketua Pegawai eksekutif (CEO) 1MDB Arul Kanda Kandasamy.

“Penjelasan (oleh Arul Kanda) itu tidak mencerahkan apa-apa kepada kita,” katanya seperti dipetik. "Saya nak tahu bank mana yang menyimpan wang itu. Jumlahnya berbilion dolar, kamu mesti simpannya di mana-mana bank. Saya tidak tahu di mana wang itu berada – ia adalah sebahagian daripada ketelusan.”

Arul Kanda dilantik selepas CEO terdahulu, Mohd Hazem Abdul Rahman meletak jawatan secara mengejut minggu lalu. Arul baru-baru ini mengumumkan, IMDB telah menebus semula pelaburan US$2.32 bilion dalam sebuah dana berdaftar di Kepulauan Cayman.

“Selaras dengan komitmen Pengerusi Lembaga Pengarah dalam kenyataan bertarikh 23 Desember 2014, 1MDB mengesahkan telah menebus sepenuhnya US2.32 bilion yang dilaburkan di Kepulauan Cayman,” katanya seperti dipetik The Edge Financial Daily.

Laporan itu turut menyatakan, 1MDB sebelum ini menebus US$1.22 bilion, 60 peratus daripada dana yang dilaburkan. Ia kini telah menebus US$1.10 bilion, iaitu baki daripada jumlah US$2.32 bilion yang dilaburkan pada asalnya.

Kata Arul Kanda lagi, dana kontroversial itu berasal daripada pembayaran semula pinjaman kepada PetroSaudi pada tahun 2011 dalam bentuk nota Murabahah. Ia berikutan pengguguran perjanjian usahasama yang dibuat sebelumnya.

“Nota itu, yang dibayar kembali secara penuh beserta faedah, dan kemudiannya dilaburkan dalam sebuah dana di bawah penyeliaan Lembaga Kewangan Cayman.

“1MDB berharap penebusan dana ini menyelesaikan isu yang berbangkit berkenaan isu ini,” kata Arul Kanda seperti dipetik.

Namun, menurut laporan Sarawak Report, Mahathir menyatakan beliau tidak boleh menerima penjelasan tersebut.

“(Penjelasan itu) terlalu cetek…Saya persoalkan penubuhan 1MDB dan bagaimana ia diuruskan. “Mereka (pengurus) datang berjumpa saya, tetapi mereka tidak dapat jelaskan bagaimana wang itu diraih, mengapa loji kuasa dibeli dengan harga yang begitu tinggi dan tentang komisen yang dibayar kepada Goldman Sachs,” katanya.

Mahathir menjadi pengkritik utama dalam BN ke atas dana pembangunan strategik itu. Beliau setakat ini tetap tidak yakin dengan apa-apa penambahbaikan yang dibuat.

Menurut Sarawak Report, ia mungkin kerana Mahathir dipercayai memiliki maklumat dalaman yang menimbulkan persoalan serius terhadap integriti pelaburan dana tersebut.

“Saya tidak fikir ia mempunyai apa-apa fungsi. Inilah perbezaan saya dengan kerajaan. Saya tidak fikir kita perlu mempunyai dana seperti ini.

“Kita baik-baik sahaja tanpa badan dana itu… mula-mula mereka mendapatkan wang untuk dipinjam kepada (Petro)Saudi, kemudian mereka letakkannya dalam dana lindung nilai (hedge fund). Kerajaan tidak sepatutnya terlibat dalam dana lindung nilai,” kata Mahathir seperti dipetik.

Beliau juga menyatakan apa yang selama ini dibangkitkan Ahli Parlimen Pakatan Rakyat - kurangnya ketelusan dalam struktur keseluruhan bagaimana wang rakyat diuruskan?

Keperluan untuk bersikap telus dalam pengurusan dana awam tentunya menjadi pengajaran “pahit” untuk Najib. Ia akan terus memberikan masalah kepadanya jika gagal meyakinkan salah seorang pengkritiknya yang paling lantang, iaitu Mahathir.