Menurut Umar bin Khathab r.a ada enam perkara yang dirahsiakan oleh Allah swt kepada hamba-Nya. Tentu, ada alasannya kan!
Antara lain, Dia mahu agar hamba-Nya bersungguh-sungguh dalam mendapatkannya.
Umar bin Khathab r.a berkata,
“Sesungguhnya, Allah merahasiakan enam perkara di balik enam perkara.”
Pertama, Allah merahsiakan redha-Nya di balik ketaatan hamba-Nya. Hal tersebut dimaksudkan agar hamba-Nya bersungguh-sungguh melakukan ketaatan kepada-Nya.
Dengan begitu, hamba-Nya tidak akan mengkesampingkan ketaatan kepada-Nya walaupun tampaknya cukup sederhana.
Sebab, boleh jadi di balik ketaatan yang tampaknya sederhana itulah terdapat redha-Nya itu.
Kedua, Allah merahsiakan murka-Nya terhadap hamba-Nya yang “berani” melakukan kemaksiatan. Hal tersebut dimaksudkan agar hamba-Nya bersungguh-sungguh dalam menjauhi kemaksiatan.
Dengan cara itu, hambaNya tidak akan mengambil mudah kemaksiatan dalam segala bentuknya, kendatipun tampaknya amat sederhana. Sebab, boleh jadi di balik kemaksiatan yang tampaknya sederhana itulah terdapat murka-Nya.
Ketiga, Allah merahsiakan bila datangnya malam kemuliaan (lailatul qadar). Ia bertujuan biar hamba-Nya bersungguh-sungguh beribadat di sepanjang bulan suci Ramadhan. Sama seperti dijelaskan dalam firman-Nya, iaitu lailatul qadar terlebih baik dibandingkan dengan seribu bulan!
Allah berfirman,
“Malam kemuliaan itu lebih baik dari seribu bulan.” (QS al-Qadr [97] : 3).
Ambil contoh, sebagaimana dinyatakan dalam sabda Rasulullah saw, bahawa pahala (amalan) sunah di dalamnya ditingkatkan menjadi setara dengan pahala (amalan) wajib.
Keempat, Allah merahsiakan wali-Nya daripada hamba-Nya.
Ia bertujuan biar hamba-Nya tidak merendah-rendahkan darjatnya (wali).
Selain itu, agar hamba-Nya tidak meminta dirinya didoakan oleh mereka. Dengan begitu, hamba-Nya akan bersungguh-sungguh menghormati setiap hamba-Nya dengan tidak meremehkan mereka. Sebab, boleh jadi orang yang diremehkan itu adalah wali-Nya.
Kelima, Allah merahsiakan datangnya ajal (kematian) di balik umur hamba-Nya. Ia bertujuan biar hamba-Nya mempersiapkan diri mereka dengan baik sepanjang hayatnya untuk menyambut kedatangan ajalnya. Sebab, pada asasnya kematian itu bisa datang secara tiba-tiba.
Keenam, Allah merahsiakan datangnya waktu solat wustho. Ia bertujuan biar sekelian hamba-Nya bersungguh-sungguh mengikhtiarkannya. Sebagaimana dijelaskan dalam firman-Nya, bahawa solat wustho merupakan solat paling utama di antara solat yang lima waktu itu.
Allah berfirman, “Peliharalah segala solat (kalian) dan
(peliharalah pula) solat ustho. Berdirilah untuk Allah (dalam solat kalian) dengan khusyuk." (QS al-Baqarah [2] : 238).
Ada yang berpendapat bahawa apa yang dimaksud solat wustho (solat yang di tengah-tengah) adalah solat asar.
Namun apa yang lebih mengetahui ialah Allah swt.
Selain merahsiakan enam perkara tersebut, Allah juga merahsiakan saat paling mustajab pada Jumaat. Hamba-Nya yang berdoa tepat pada saat paling mustajab itu pasti akan dikabulkan oleh-Nya. Dengan begitu, hamba-Nya akan bersungguh-sungguh mendapatkannya di sepanjang Jumaat.
Ada yang berpendapat, saat paling mustajab pada Jumaat adalah waktu asar.
Namun apa yang lebih mengetahui ialah Allah swt.
According to Umar Ibn Khathab RA there are six things that are concealed by Allah to his slaves.
Sure, there's a reason.
Among other things, that his servants hard in to retrieve it.
Umar Ibn Khathab RA says,
"Verily, God hides behind the six point six things."
First, God hides behind the ridhaNya the obedience of his slaves. It was intended to do acts of worship to him of his oath.
In doing so, he will not rule out obedience to him, although it seems simple.
So, may be behind the seemingly simple obedience that is his good pleasure.
Second, God hides his wrath against his servants who "dare" commits. It was meant to be his servants desperately away from sin.
That way, he won't underestimate the sin in all its forms, although it seems simple. So, may be behind the excuse that seems simple that there is his wrath.
Third, God hides when the coming night of power (laylat Al-Qadr). It was meant to be his servants desperately worships throughout the holy month of Ramadan. As described in his word, laylat Al-Qadr is better than a thousand months.
Allah says,
"The night of power is better than a thousand months."
(QS al-Qadr [97]: 3).
Take for example, as stated in Abraham PEACE BE UPON HIM, the reward (practice) Sunni in it to be upgraded to be on par with the reward (practice) is required.
Fourth, God hides his guardian against his servants.
It is intended to be servants not lowered in degree.
In addition, in order for his servant does not require being prayed for by them. That way, his servants shall serve him with respect every serious not despise them. The reason could be people who underestimated it's guardian.
Fifth, God hides the coming of death (death) behind the age of his servants. It is intended to prepare him well throughout his life to greet his arrival. Because, in fact, that death can come suddenly.
Sixth, God hides the advent prayer time Wustha. It is meant to be his servant to do mengikhtiarkannya. As described in his word, prayer Wustha prayer is the most important among the five daily prayers.
God says, "cultivate every prayer (you guys) and
(keep all) prayer Wustha.
Stand for God (in prayer you guys) fervently. ''
"(QS al-Baqarah [2]: 238).
It is argued that what is meant Wustha prayer (prayer is that in the middle) is to pray ASR.
But, who knew exactly the only God.
In addition to the secret six the matter, God also keep secret the time (moment) the most efficacious on Friday. His servant is praying precisely at a time when most efficacious it would surely have granted by him. That way, his servants will seriously get it all Friday.
It is argued, when the most efficacious on Friday was the time of ' ASR. However, only God knows exactly that.
According to Umar Ibn Khathab RA there are six things that are concealed by Allah to his slaves.
Sure, there's a reason.
Among other things, that his servants hard in to retrieve it.
Umar Ibn Khathab RA says,
"Verily, God hides behind the six point six things."
First, God hides behind the ridhaNya the obedience of his slaves. It was intended to do acts of worship to him of his oath.
In doing so, he will not rule out obedience to him, although it seems simple.
So, may be behind the seemingly simple obedience that is his good pleasure.
Second, God hides his wrath against his servants who "dare" commits. It was meant to be his servants desperately away from sin.
That way, he won't underestimate the sin in all its forms, although it seems simple. So, may be behind the excuse that seems simple that there is his wrath.
Third, God hides when the coming night of power (laylat Al-Qadr). It was meant to be his servants desperately worships throughout the holy month of Ramadan. As described in his word, laylat Al-Qadr is better than a thousand months.
Allah says,
"The night of power is better than a thousand months."
(QS al-Qadr [97]: 3).
Take for example, as stated in Abraham PEACE BE UPON HIM, the reward (practice) Sunni in it to be upgraded to be on par with the reward (practice) is required.
Fourth, God hides his guardian against his servants.
It is intended to be servants not lowered in degree.
In addition, in order for his servant does not require being prayed for by them. That way, his servants shall serve him with respect every serious not despise them. The reason could be people who underestimated it's guardian.
Fifth, God hides the coming of death (death) behind the age of his servants. It is intended to prepare him well throughout his life to greet his arrival. Because, in fact, that death can come suddenly.
Sixth, God hides the advent prayer time Wustha. It is meant to be his servant to do mengikhtiarkannya. As described in his word, prayer Wustha prayer is the most important among the five daily prayers.
God says, "cultivate every prayer (you guys) and
(keep all) prayer Wustha.
Stand for God (in prayer you guys) fervently. ''
"(QS al-Baqarah [2]: 238).
It is argued that what is meant Wustha prayer (prayer is that in the middle) is to pray ASR.
But, who knew exactly the only God.
In addition to the secret six the matter, God also keep secret the time (moment) the most efficacious on Friday. His servant is praying precisely at a time when most efficacious it would surely have granted by him. That way, his servants will seriously get it all Friday.
It is argued, when the most efficacious on Friday was the time of ' ASR. However, only God knows exactly that.